Asymptotic Analysis
Higher Mathematics | Mathematics & Statistics | Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Computing
The journal Asymptotic Analysis fulfills a twofold function. It aims at publishing original mathematical results in the asymptotic theory of problems affected by the presence of small or large parameters on the one hand, and at giving specific indications of their possible applications to different fields of natural sciences on the other hand.
Asymptotic Analysis thus provides mathematicians with a concentrated source of newly acquired information which they may need in the analysis of asymptotic problems.
The journal Asymptotic Analysis fulfills a twofold function. It aims at publishing original mathematical results in the asymptotic theory of problems affected by the presence of small or large parameters on the one hand, and at giving specific indications of their possible applications to different fields of natural sciences on the other hand. Asymptotic Analysis thus provides mathematicians with a concentrated source of newly acquired information which they may need in the analysis of asymptotic problems.
Roger Temam | Indiana University, USA |
Chantal Delabarre | Toulouse, France |
Claude Bardos | Université Paris VII, France |
Lucio Boccardo | Universita Di Roma, Italy |
Michel Chipot | University of Zurich, Switzerland |
Philippe G Ciarlet | Académie des Sciences, France |
Gianni Dal Maso | SISSA - ISAS, Italy |
Patrizia Donato | University of Rouen Normandy, France |
Masaaiki Fukasawa | Osaka University, Japan |
Josselin Garnier | Ecole Polytechnique, France |
David Gerard-Varet | Universite Denis Diderot, France |
Francois Golse | Ecole Polytechnique, France |
Maurizio Grasselli | Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
Dragos Iftimie | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France |
Alexander Komech | BOKU University, Austria |
Igor Kukavica | University of Southern California, USA |
David Lannes | Université de Bordeaux, France |
Herve Le Dret | Universite Pierre et Marie Curie |
Gilles Lebeau | Universite de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, France |
Yvon Maday | Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France |
Norbert J. Mauser | Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Austria |
Alain Miranville | Université Le Havre Normandie, France |
George Papanicolaou | Stanford University, USA |
Vittorino Pata | Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
Madalina Petcu | University of Poitiers, France |
Vesselin Petkov | Université de Bordeaux, France |
Reinhard Racke | Universitat Konstanz, Germany |
Vicentiu D. Radulescu | AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland |
Annie Raoult | Université René Descartes, France |
Walter Rusin | Oklahoma State University, USA |
Gunther Uhlmann | University of Washington, USA |
Laurent Veron | Université François-Rabelais, France |
Michael Vogelius | Rutgers University, USA |
Xiaoming Wang | Southern University of Science and Technology, China |
Djoko Wirosoetisno | University of Durham, UK |
Sergei Zelik | University of Surrey, UK |
Mohammed Ziane | University of Southern California, USA |
Enrique Zuazua | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany |