Anne Beaulieu University of Groningen, Netherlands
Anne Beaulieu is Associate Professor of Science and Technology Studies and director of the Data Research Centre, University of Groningen. She leads the research group Knowledge Infrastructures for Sustainability at Campus Fryslân and developed the minor Data Wise: Data Science in Society (with Gert Stulp). Beaulieu’s research focuses on diversity and complexity in knowledge infrastructures, with particular attention to digital data assemblages and interfaces for the creation and circulation of knowledge. She is co-author of Virtual Knowledge: Experimenting in the Humanities and Social Sciences and has published widely on the significance of ethnographic methods for the study of data practices. Beaulieu was visiting research fellow at the Pufendorf Institute for Advance Studies, Lund University, Sweden (2017-18) and visiting professor at the STS Department of the University of Vienna, Austria (2018). Since September 2018, she is co-coordinator of the PhD training network of the Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC), and has developed numerous innovative courses in the major Responsible Planet at University College Fryslân.