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Charlie Yi Zhang The University of Kentucky,USA

Charlie Yi Zhang is an associate professor of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Kentucky. Zhang’s research brings transnational and women of color feminisms, critical race theory, queer of color analysis, affect theory, political economies, media analysis, posthumanism and new materialism to the forefront of the debate over neoliberal globalization and its multi-pronged ramifications on transnational scales. Building upon gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and class as critical analytical tools, his work delves into the intricate dynamics of the shifting neoliberal, neocolonial, and imperialist relationships in the transpacific context and explores cross-border networks of resistance against these entangled forms of domination. Trained as an interdisciplinary scholar, Zhang has publications in leading journals in the fields of gender and sexuality studies, Asian studies, American studies, and media and cultural studies. He has received research awards in both China and the US. Zhang’s first book, Dreadful Desires: The Uses of Love in Neoliberal China, was published by Duke University Press in 2022 and was awarded the 2023 Outstanding Annual Book Prize by the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies.