Deepak Khazanchi Professor of Information Systems & Quantitative Analysis, College of Information Science & Technology, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Deepak Khazanchi is Professor of Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Community Engagement & Internationalization Officer in the College of Information Science & Technology at the University of Nebraska in Omaha. His current research and teaching interests are focused in the areas of virtual project management, virtual teams during crisis, IT education, B2B assurance services and risk analysis in extended enterprise environments and the application of philosophy of science in the Information Systems discipline. He has more than 100 articles to his credit including publications in the Information Systems Management Journal, ISACA Journal, Journal of AIS and Communications of the AIS. Deepak received the Ph.D. degree with a specialization in Management Information Systems from TexasTechUniversity. Prior to this, he completed the MBA degree from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and obtained an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur (India).