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Robert Sornson Early Learning Foundation

Bob Sornson, Ph.D. was a classroom teacher and school administrator for over 30 years, and is the founder of the Early Learning Foundation. His implementation of programs and strategies for early learning success, the Early Learning Success Initiative, serves as a model for districts around the country. He is committed to the belief that practically every child can have a successful early learning experience.

The Early Learning Foundation is dedicated to helping schools and parents give every child an opportunity to achieve early learning success, which lays the foundation for success in life. Few things are so important to the future of our children and our society. Children who come to school without important language, literacy, numeracy, motor, and behavior skills are at a disadvantage for success in the first years of school. Children who have not developed solid skills by the end of the third grade are at a disadvantage for life.

Bob is the author of numerous articles, books, and audio recordings, including Fanatically Formative (Corwin Press), Teaching and Joy (ASCD), Preventing Early Learning Failure (ASCD), Meeting the Challenge (Love and Logic Press), Creating Classrooms Where Teachers Love to Teach and Students Love to Learn (Love and Logic Press), and Number Facts and Jumping Jacks (Crystal Springs Books). Love and Logic on the Bus (Love and Logic Press), is his most recent audio training program. His assessment instruments include The Essential Skill Inventories, K-3 (Early Learning Foundation).

Dr. Sornson works with schools and education organizations across the country, focusing primarily on developing comprehensive programs which support early learning success, building classroom and school culture to support the development of social and behavior skills, and offering parent training. He offers workshops and keynotes, and develops long-term training projects with selected organizations. Bob can be contacted at

The below interviews are all about "Fanatically Formative."