About the Authors
1. Best Practice 1: Utilize Data to Evaluate Program Effectiveness and Plan for Continuous Improvement
Section 1: Review the School Counseling Plan
Section 2: Develop a School Profile
Section 3: Obtain Stakeholder Perspectives
Section 4: Create a Self-Evaluation Instrument
Section 5: Formulate a Counseling Program Action Plan
2. Best Practice 2: Design and Implement a Comprehensive Advisement System
Section 1: A Schoolwide Advisement Program
Section 2: An Individual Advisement Program
Section 3: A Rising Ninth-Grade Advisement Program
3. Best Practice 3: Design and Implement an Extensive Career Education Program
Section 1: Basic Principles of Career Development
Section 2: Design Appropriate Career Development Plans for Middle and High School Students
Section 3: Design and Implement a Comprehensive Career Center
Section 4: Career Portfolios for Students
4. Best Practice 4: Create Transition Programs That Prepare Students for Success
Section 1: A Keystone Program for Rising Ninth-Grade Students
Section 2: A Credit Recovery Program for High School Students
Section 3: A Capstone Program for Twelfth-Grade Students
5. Best Practice 5: Establish and Maintain Communication With the School Community
Section 1: Establishing Communication
Section 2: Maintaining Communication
6. Best Practice 6: Design a Personal Plan for Professional Development
Appendix A: Stress Management for Secondary School Counselors
Appendix B: Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation
Form B1: Student Recommendation Worksheet
Form B2: School Profile
Resource B3: Tips for Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation
Resource B4: Word Bank of Adjectives
Resource B5a: Sample Letters 1
Resource B5b: Sample Letters 2
Resource B5c: Sample Letters 3
Resource B5d: Sample Letters 4
Resource B5e: Sample Letters 5