If the Shoe Fits . . .
How to Develop Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom
- Carolyn Chapman - International Educational Consultant
Foreword by James Bellanca
June 1993 | 258 pages | Corwin
If the Shoe Fits . . .: How to Develop Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom translates Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences theory into practical methods for classroom use. This excellent resource offers teachers information and "how-to" advice for identifying and developing student strengths. The rich selection of sample lessons and ideas inspires teachers to apply these ideas in the classroom and motivates teachers to create activities of their own. As a ready-reference for classroom implemenetation, this book describes:
Matching the student with each intelligence
Using intelligences for problem solving
Applying multiple intelligences to meet the challenges of special students
Creating an environment for each intelligence
Applying sample lessons and activities for each intelligence
Chapter 1: If the Shoe Fits
Chapter 2: Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
Chapter 3: Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence
Chapter 4: Logical/Mathematical Intelligence
Chapter 5: Visual Spatial Intelligence
Chapter 6: Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence
Chapter 7: Naturalist Intelligence
Chapter 8: Intrapersonal Intelligence
Chapter 9: Interpersonal Intelligence
Chapter 10: Integrating Multiple Intelligences into the Curricula
Chapter 11: The Grading Dilemma