About the Authors
1. I'm So Glad You're Here! The First Day as an Instructional Coach
What Is an Instructional Coach (IC)?
The Instructional Coach - The Early Explorer
Step One: Establish an Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)
Step Two: Establish a Job Description for the IC
Step Three: Establish the Role and Responsibilities for the IC
Step Four: Develop an Action Plan for the IC
2. The Instructional Coach and the Instructional Leadership Team: A Unique Approach
The Priorities of a School Leader
Priority Two and Strong Instructional Leadership (SIL)
The Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)
An Equal and Shared Voice
3. Refocus and Start Again! The Instructional Leadership Team Supporting the Instructional Coach
How the IC Carries Out the ILT's Plan
Selection and Implementation of a New Curriculum
IC Providing Professional Development (PD) and Technical Assistance
Professional Development for the IC
Using Data to Support the ILT and IC
The "Why Is That?" Analysis Technique
Ways the Principal Can Support the IC
How to Work With the Principal
Dos and Don'ts for the Principal/IC Meeting
4. The Day-to-Day Work of the Instructional Coach
Basic Ways to Work With Teachers
Working With Teachers in Their Classrooms
5. An Idea for the Day: Strategies and Ideas to Encourage Engagement Between Teachers and the ILT
6. Assessing Individual and Group Strengths: Strategies for Working With the Resistant Teacher
Who Is the Resistant Teacher?
The IC and Private Investigator
Search and Rescue: Thirteen Strategies for Mining for Gold
7. Changing Teacher Practices Through Classroom Field-Testing - The ILT's Role
Classroom Field-Testing: A Possible Open Door?
Professional Development Activity
How The Instructional Leadership Team Can Support Action Research
Presenting Classroom Field-Testing Projects
8. The ILT's Role in Changing Teacher Practices Buildingwide
Professional Development and Changing Teacher Practices
The Role of the IC in Changing Teacher Practices: A Buildingwide Effort
Steps in Establishing a Large-Scale Evidence-Based Framework
The Power of Evidence-Based Classroom Studies
9. A New Coach in Town! The ILT's Role in Training New Instructional Coaches
The Game Plan: Get Started Right Away!
Player/Coach: Mentor Coaching 101
What's in It for Me? Benefits of the New Mentor Coach Role
Advice From The Field: Tips From Current Instructional Coaches
Everyone Wins: Coaching the Coach Sharpens Everyone's Game
10. Toolbox for the Instructional Coach: Examples of Surveys, Protocols, and Tools
Workshop Training Teacher Survey
Professional Development Planning Sheet
Promising Practices Building Survey