Uncovering Student Thinking About Mathematics in the Common Core, Grades 6-8
25 Formative Assessment Probes
- Cheryl Rose Tobey - Tobey Education Group, LLC, Education Development Center, Newton, MA
- Carolyn B. Arline - Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance
- Organized by strand, the probes will enable you to:
- Quickly and objectively evaluate common misconceptions around fractions and decimals, linear equations, ratios and percents, statistics, and more
- Systematically address conceptual misunderstandings and procedural mistakes--before they become long-term problems
- Help students better understand areas of difficulty
- Plan targeted instruction that builds on students’ current understandings while addressing areas of struggle
- Master the essential CCSM mathematical processes and proficiencies for Grades 6-8.
"The formative assessment probes are the best part of this book. I love that the probes are broken down by concepts and that they are described using the QUEST process – this allows the teachers to really reflect on their teaching and how the students are learning. This book will definitely help mathematics teachers now that the CCSS are becoming such a big part of our teaching."