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British Journal of Pain

British Journal of Pain

Published in Association with British Pain Society

eISSN: 20494645 | ISSN: 20494637 | Current volume: 19 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Bi-monthly

British Journal of Pain
is a peer-reviewed quarterly British journal with an international multidisciplinary Editorial Board. The journal publishes Original Papers and Reviews on all major aspects of pain and pain management reflecting the body of evidence of the topic and suitable for a multidisciplinary readership. Where empirical evidence is lacking, the reviews reflect the generally held opinions of experts in the field.

The Journal aims to broaden its scope and become a forum for publishing primary research together with brief reports related to pain and pain interventions. Submissions from all over the world have been published and are welcome. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Official journal of the British Pain Society.

Submit your manuscript today at

British Journal of Pain
is a peer-reviewed quarterly British journal with an international multidisciplinary Editorial Board. The journal publishes original research and reviews on all major aspects of pain and pain management. Reviews reflect the body of evidence of the topic and are suitable for a multidisciplinary readership. Where empirical evidence is lacking, the reviews reflect the generally held opinions of experts in the field.

The Journal has broadened its scope and has become a forum for publishing primary research together with brief reports related to pain and pain interventions. Submissions from all over the world have been published and are welcome.

Official journal of the British Pain Society.

Editor in Chief
Christina Liossi University of Southampton, Southampton,UK
Associate Editors
Editorial Board
Sam Ahmedzai University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Carsten Bantel Klinikum Oldenburg, Germany
Rae Frances Bell Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
Neil Berry Hythe Hospital, UK
Paul Bhalla University of Washington, USA
Emma Briggs King's College London, UK
Heather Cameron Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Scotland, UK
Paul Cameron NHS Fife, U.K.
Karin Cannons Frimley Park Hospital, UK
Eloise Carr Professor of Nursing and Associate Dean, University of Calgary, Canada
Felicia Cox Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust, UK
Rachael Docking Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership, UK
Margaret Dunham Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Justin Durham Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK
Paul Farquhar-Smith Royal Marsden Hospital, UK
Stephen Gibson National Ageing Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Ian Goodall Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust, London, UK
Liesbert Goubert Health Psychology, Ghent Health Psychology Laboratory, Ghent, Belgium
Derek Jones The Univeristy of Edinburgh, UK
Roger Knaggs Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
Richard Langford Bart's and The London NHS Trust, London, UK
Stefan Lautenbacher University of Bamberg, Germany
Suzanne G. Leveille University of Massachusett, Boston, USA
James McAuley Neuroscience Research Australia, Australia
Lance McCracken Bath, UK
Vivek Mehta Barts and The London NHS Trust, London, UK
Tamar Pincus Royal Holloway University, London, UK
Jane Quinlan Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust, Oxford, UK
Jon Raphael Russells Halls Hospital, Dudley, UK
Patricia Schofield University of Greenwich, London, UK
Katie Warnaby FMRIB University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Elaine Wilson-Smith Sheffield Children's Hospital, Sheffield, UK
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  • PubMed Central (PMC)
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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