Budget Tools
Financial Methods in the Public Sector
Second Edition
- Greg G. Chen - CUNY-Baruch College
- Lynne A. Weikart - James Madison University, USA
- Daniel W. Williams - CUNY-Baruch College
Other Titles in:
Public Budgeting
Public Budgeting
January 2015 | 384 pages | CQ Press
The thoroughly updated and expanded Second Edition of Greg G. Chen, Lynne A. Weikart, and Daniel W. Williams’ Budget Tools: Financial Methods in the Public Sector brings together scores of exercises that will take students through the process of public budgeting, from organizing data through analysis and presentation. This thoroughly revised text has been restructured – it now has 30 compact modules to focus on individual skills and enhance flexibility, and is reorganized to cover more straightforward skills early in the book and more complex tools later on. Using budgets from all levels of government as well as from nonprofit organizations, the authors give students the opportunity to work with real budgeting data to cover a range of topics and skills. Budget Tools provides instruction in the techniques and implementation of budgeting skills at a granular level to support a wide range of approaches to teaching the subject.
Part 1: Introduction
Module 1: The Craft of Budgeting
Part 2: Budget Tools
Module 2: Organizing Budget Data
Module 3: Fixed and Variable Costs
Module 4: Breakeven Analysis
Module 5: Cost Allocation
Module 6: Time Value of Money
Module 7: Inflation
Module 8: Sensitivity Analysis
Module 9: Integrating Budgeting With Performance
Part 3: The Budget Process
Module 10: The Budget Process: An Overview
Module 11: The Budget Document
Module 12: Determining the Baseline Budget
Module 13: Decision Packages: Cost Estimates
Module 14: Decision Packages: Budget Justifications
Module 15: Budget Cutbacks
Module 16: Legislative Budget Tools
Part 4: Capital Budgeting and Asset Management
Module 17: Cost-Benefit Analysis
Module 18: Life Cycle Costing
Module 19: Capitalization and Depreciation
Module 20: Long-Term Financing
Module 21: Investment Strategies
Part 5: Budget Implementation
Module 22: Operating Plan and Variance Analysis
Module 23: Cash Management and Internal Controls
Module 24: Forecasting and Managing Cash Flow
Module 25: Government and Nonprofit Accounting
Module 26: Financial Statement Analysis
Part 6: Advanced Tools
Module 27: Calculating Payroll
Module 28: Basic Forecasting Concepts
Module 29: Forecasting Intermediate Forecasting
Module 30: Forecasting Advanced Intermediate Methods
Looks good and work with our Work Based Learning assignments for year two students and year one Financial unit.
Management , Knowsley Community College
April 29, 2015