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Business Ethics

Business Ethics
Best Practices for Designing and Managing Ethical Organizations

Third Edition

November 2021 | 784 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Business Ethics teaches students how to create organizations of high integrity and superior performance. Author Denis Collins and new co-author Patricia Kanashiro walk readers through designing ethical organizations using an Ethical Systems Model that outlines best practices for hiring, training, making ethical decisions, and fostering trust. The substantially revised Third Edition integrates the most current research findings; includes three new chapters on corporate governance and stakeholder relationships, global sustainability, and global corporate citizenship; and explores timely topics through new case studies on the opioid crisis, the #MeToo movement, climate change, and business responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package.
Part I • An Introduction to Business Ethics
Chapter 1: Unethical Behaviors in Organizations and Human Nature
Chapter 2: The Evolution of Business Ethics
Chapter 3: Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Relationships
Part II • Onboarding and Training
Chapter 4: Hiring Ethical People
Chapter 5: Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct
Chapter 6: Ethical Decision-Making
Chapter 7: Ethics Training
Chapter 8: Respecting Employee Diversity
Part III • Managing Internal Operations
Chapter 9: Ethics Reporting Systems
Chapter 10: Managers as Ethical Leaders and Performance Assessments
Chapter 11: Ethically Engaging and Empowering Employees
Part IV • Being an Ethical Citizen in a Global Economy
Chapter 12: Global Sustainability
Chapter 13: Global Citizenship
Part V • Cases
Case Study 1: Opioid Responsibility: Big Pharma, Doctors, Consultants, and Patients
Case Study 2: Bayer and Monsanto: Acquiring a Global Giant With a Giant Image Problem
Case Study 3: Searching for the “New Normal”: The Business Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic of 2020
Case Study 4: The Happiness Minimum Wage: The Story of Dan Price and Gravity Payments
Case Study 5: Volkswagen’s Diesel Scandal: Failure of the Code of Conduct
Case Study 6: Troubles in Higher Education: The Growing Dilemma of Student Debt
Case Study 7: Deutsche Bank’s Path Back to Profitability: From Corruption to Compliance
Case Study 8: Starbucks: A Socially Responsible Firm and a Diversity Crisis
Case Study 9: Boeing 737 Max and the Challenger: The Tale of Flying Objects Falling From the Sky
Case Study 10: The Wells Fargo Scandal: A Tale of a Toxic Corporate Culture
Case Study 11: Uber’s #MeToo Reckoning: Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination
Case Study 12: The Paris Climate Change Agreement: Walmart and Amazon as Sustainability Leaders
Case Study 13: Corporate Citizen or Public Parasite? Amazon’s Complicated Relationship With the Tax Man


Instructor Resource Site


The open-access Student Study Site makes it easy for students to maximize their study time, anywhere, anytime. It offers flashcards that strengthen understanding of key terms and concepts, as well as learning objectives that reinforce the most important material.

Student Study Site

For additional information, custom options, or to request a personalized walkthrough of these resources, please contact your sales representative.

LMS cartridge included with this title for use in Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace by Desire2Learn (D2L), and Moodle

The LMS cartridge makes it easy to import this title’s instructor resources into your learning management system (LMS). These resources include:

  • Test banks
  • Editable chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides
  • Sample course syllabi
  • Lecture notes
  • All tables and figures from the textbook 
Don’t use an LMS platform?

You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site.

Used the previous version.

Ms Gayla McLaughlin Todd
school of business, The Citadel
January 30, 2023

This publication offers content valuable in various other fields aside from the target subject. I feel that the structure is aligned in an order that allows or easy reference to previous materials as well at enough information to allow for durter research of related. Overall an exceptional work.

Marsha V. McCray
Business Administration, Perdoceo Education Corporation
March 30, 2022

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For instructors