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We're delighted to be able to host a range of webinars with one of our authors, Dr Annmarie Hanlon. Explore the line-up and click the links to watch the recordings below:




Teaching Digital Business in a rapidly evolving landscape
with Dr Annmarie Hanlon

In this webinar join Dr. Annmarie Hanlon as she explores approaches to teaching digital business, moving from a tactical to a strategic approach. Annmarie explores typical concerns that students may have about some subjects, the never-ending release of new digital tools and how this can be managed by faculty. Annmarie will use her most recent book, Digital Business, for examples.

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Your Q&A questions answered: 



What is the difference between digital business and digital trade?

Digital business considers all aspects of business in a digital context. Digital trade focuses on the sales or exchange element only.

Should AI ethics be taught as a standalone separate topic/module or should it be part of digital business/transformation or business ethics modules as a small sub-topic?

Ideally AI ethics should be embedded into all modules. Having it as a separate subject removes the context. The textbook Digital Business features an Ethical Insight in each chapter, not just on AI but broader subjects to encourage deeper thinking into ethical concerns.

Are there answer keys to the quizzes, in the book?

Digital Business contains Tutor Resources including a Teaching Guide with lesson plans and class icebreakers. The textbook Digital Marketing contains quizzes in the Tutor Resources section of the SAGE website, with all the answers. Both textbooks also contain a list of carefully curated videos for class use.

What would you say are the top key digital skills that we should be teaching students to help them thrive in the workplace?

Critical thinking and the ability to distinguish between genuine information and disinformation or and misinformation.

The ability to analyse data, through excel or analytics’ tools. I created a short 7 minute introduction to Google Analytics which is available here and you might wish to explore the Nonprofit Marketing Immersion which is free to enter.

We also need to teach students how and where to use AI. Demonstrating where it saves time and adds value, without compromising a piece of work.

With regard to academic misconduct we talked about students, but AI-based cheating is also affecting the retraction of research papers. Any views about how to spot fake research?

Researchers should be able to defend their work and provide the genesis for why they explored the subject and the process of the research, in the same way a student may have a viva to defend their work. Spotting fake research takes time and typically the characteristics are:

  • Typographical and spelling errors
  • Older citations
  • The flow of the work varies from staccato sentences to well-constructed arguments

In the same way we seek a declaration of integrity (or authenticity) from students to declare where and how AI was used, we could ask the same of researchers.

Employability is essential for students, how can we address this?

The textbook Digital Business includes Professional Skills as well as Learning Outcomes, at the start of each chapter. These are designed as ways students can enhance and develop their skills and add the content to LinkedIn. Digital Business also includes two to three Digital Tools in each chapter (highlighted in orange). These are tools and websites that are used in workplaces that make students better prepared for the world of work.

What types of cases are in Digital Business?

Textbooks usually include well-known cases from the UK and USA. I wanted to broaden the reach and include case examples from more countries including Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Kenya, Mali, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Rwanda, Spain and Sweden. The cases from the USA are Amazon (fake reviews), ChatGPT and Netflix (AI recommendation system). Based on feedback from my other textbooks, the case examples are not just business to consumer and include business to business and government to citizens.

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