Competition & Change
Business & Management (General)
SAGE commenced publication from Maney of this journal from 2015. All prior published volumes are available to access on SAGE Journals, follow ‘all content’ link above.
Competition and Change is an international peer-reviewed journal, uniquely featuring theoretical, empirical and policy oriented research that aims to develop an understanding of the causes and consequences of competition and change with respect to globalization, financialization and broader conceptualizations of restructuring capitalist relations. The journal is inter-disciplinary and welcomes contributions from a wide range of social science disciplines, including heterodox economics, political economy, critical research on work, management and organization, economic geography, sociology, development studies and international relations. In particular, we are interested in research and scholarly work that focuses on:
1. The nature of contemporary capitalism, including its organizational and spatial dynamics and their gendered effects
2. The drivers, mechanisms, and uneven impacts of globalization and social change
3. The changing configuration of state-market-civil society relations, including diverse forms of governance, regulation, resistance, and social welfare
4. The forms, processes and consequences of financialization
5. Global value chains and production networks, industrial clusters and other organizational forms with new implications for economic, social, and environmental upgrading.
6. Different forms and disruptive influences of capitalist instability including global civil society, social movements, migration, and climate change.
7. Industrial structure, nature of competition and performance within and across national/regional economies
8. How global political economy shapes, and is shaped by, the worlds of work, organization, society, and nature
The journal publishes:
• Full length peer reviewed articles (7,000 to 10,000 words)
• Special and themed issues
• Review articles and position pieces (3,000 to 8,000)
• Short items of relevant news and information for the academic community for our news section (500 to 2,000 words).
The editors of the journal aim to return an initial decision on all submissions within 12 weeks from the date of submission.
The journal is indexed in SCOPUS.
Submit your manuscript today at
Competition and Change is an international peer-reviewed journal, uniquely featuring theoretical, empirical and policy oriented research that aims to develop an understanding of the causes and consequences of competition and change with respect to globalization, financialization and broader conceptualizations of restructuring capitalist relations. The journal is inter-disciplinary and welcomes contributions from a wide range of social science disciplines, including heterodox economics, political economy, critical research on work, management and organization, economic geography, sociology, development studies and international relations. In particular, we are interested in research and scholarly work that focuses on:
1. The nature of contemporary capitalism, including its organizational and spatial dynamics and their gendered effects
2. The drivers, mechanisms, and uneven impacts of globalization and social change
3. The changing configuration of state-market-civil society relations, including diverse forms of governance, regulation, resistance, and social welfare
4. The forms, processes and consequences of financialization
5. Global value chains and production networks, industrial clusters and other organizational forms with new implications for economic, social, and environmental upgrading.
6. Different forms and disruptive influences of capitalist instability including global civil society, social movements, migration, and climate change.
7. Industrial structure, nature of competition and performance within and across national/regional economies
8. How global political economy shapes, and is shaped by, the worlds of work, organization, society, and nature
The journal publishes:
• Full length peer reviewed articles (7,000 to 10,000 words)
• Special and themed issues
• Review articles and position pieces (3,000 to 8,000)
• Short items of relevant news and information for the academic community for our news section (500 to 2,000 words).
The editors of the journal aim to return an initial decision on all submissions within 12 weeks from the date of submission.
The journal is indexed in SCOPUS and the SSCI.
Further information can be found at:
Hulya Dagdeviren | University of Hertfordshire, UK |
Leo McCann | University of York, UK |
Gale Raj | Bard College Berlin, Germany |
Antonio Andreoni | SOAS University of London, UK |
Elisa Barbieri | University of Venice Ca Foscari, Italy |
Benjamin Braun | Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Germany |
Andrew Cumbers | University of Glasgow, UK |
Sabine Dörry | Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Luxembourg |
Gary Dymski | Leeds University Business School, UK |
Ewald Engelen | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Edward Granter | University of Birmingham, UK |
Hao Qi | Renmin University of China, Beijing |
Prof Jakob Kapeller | University Duisburg-Essen, Germany |
Joonkoo Lee | Hanyang University, South Korea |
Helena Lenihan | University of Limerick, Ireland |
Özgür Orhangazi | Kadir Has University, Turkey |
Florance Palpacuer | University of Montpellier, France |
Johannes Petry | Goethe University, Germany |
Emily Rosenman | The Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Cornelia Staritz | University of Vienna, Austria |
Phil Tomlinson | University of Bath, UK |
Lindsay Whitfield | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Dr Ulrike Lepont | Sciences Po, France |
Richard Appelbaum | University of California Santa Barbara, USA |
Robert Boyer | CEPREMAP, France |
Martin Carnoy | Vida Jacks Professor of Education and Economics, Stanford University, USA |
Manuel Castells | University of Southern California, USA |
Edward K Y Chen | Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Peter Dicken | University of Manchester, UK |
Yves L Doz | INSEAD, France |
Julie Froud | Manchester Business School, UK |
Gary Gereffi | Duke University, USA |
Anthony Giddens | London School of Economics, UK |
Gary Hamilton | University of Washington, USA |
Jeffrey Henderson | University of Bristol, UK |
Saskia Sassen | Columbia University, USA |
Allen J Scott | University of California Los Angeles, USA |
Barbara Stallings | Brown University, USA |
Ivan Szelenyi | New York University, Abu Dhabi, USA |
Robert Wade | London School of Economics, UK |
Richard Whitley | Manchester Business School, UK |
Karel Williams | Manchester Business School, UK |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.