Confessions in the Courtroom
- Lawrence S. Wrightsman - University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA
- Saul Kassin - John Jay College of Criminal Justice, USA
Other Titles in:
Law (General)
Law (General)
December 1993 | 176 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The causes of confessions, the acceptability of confessions extracted under duress and the interrogation procedures used by police are among the topics explored in this volume. The authors examine how the North American legal system has evolved in its treatment of confessions over the past 50 years, evaluate the process for determining the admissability of confession testimony and provide research findings on jurors' reactions to voluntary and coerced confessions.
Confessions in Court
The Law
A Historical View
Recent Court Decisions
A Not-So-Quiet Revolution
Police Interrogations
Why People Confess
Psychological Perspectives
Jurors' Reactions to Confessions Evidence
The Psychologist as Expert Witness
The Future of Confessions