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SAGE Vantage Student Site Accessibility Guide

Last updated: 10 July 2023


Welcome to the accessibility guide for the SAGE Vantage Student Site (hereafter SAGE Vantage). We frequently make improvements to make our site more accessible, so you may wish to bookmark this page and check back every now and then.

Starting out: Early Career Researchers and Editorial Board membership

Whether you are a researcher currently working on an advanced degree, like a PhD or postdoc, or are only a few years out of your program, Sage offers an abundance of resources and services to support early career researchers (ECRs) throughout this initial stage as you work to establish yourself in your chosen field. If you are interested in serving on a Journal’s Editorial Board but are not sure about the steps involved, this page is a great place to start.

Sage Handbooks: The Latest Releases

SAGE Handbooks are edited collections of specially commissioned chapters that are intended to be reviews, accounts or audits of a discipline or sub-discipline. Each Handbook chapter has breadth, depth, and multiplicity as well as illuminating a theme and identifying  key questions within the discipline.

Browse our latest Handbook publications and forthcoming titles, and enjoy savings when you purchase multi-volume Handbooks pre-publication!

Business & Management Studies
