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Los Angeles, CA - Leading independent and academic publisher SAGE, has today launched Big Data & Society, an open access (OA), peer reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to exploring the implications of Big Data for societies. Big Data& Society aims to move beyond the usual notions of Big Data and provide a platform for connecting debates on how Big Data practices are reconfiguring academic, social, industry, business and government relations, expertise, methods, concepts and knowledge.
Adam Matthew announces exclusive agreement with the Folger Shakespeare Library as part of a new series of theatre-related projects
Adam Matthew is delighted to announce the digitisation of the world’s largest collection of prompt books from the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C.
Award-winning publisher Adam Matthew to digitize thousands of pages of content from world-renowned Archive
Marlborough, England - Adam Matthew today announced the signing of an agreement with the Church Mission Society (CMS) to digitize hundreds of thousands of pages of periodicals covering 1841 to 2009.
This announcement marks the latest stage in Adam Matthew’s association with the Church Mission Society spanning nearly 20 years.
(Marlborough, October 2015) Award-winning publisher Adam Matthew announces the publication of African American Communities: the latest digital primary source collection in their growing portfolio of resources for the humanities and social sciences.
(Marlborough, UK) Adam Matthew are pleased to announce a new essay competition in partnership with the leading association on American Studies in Ireland, the Irish Association of American Studies (IAAS). The essay competition is aimed at postgraduate students, early career researchers and independent researchers in the field of American Studies.
London, UK. SAGE Publishing, a leading international disseminator of journals, books and digital media for academic and educational communities, and Adam Matthew, a leading provider of unique primary resource collections, are delighted to announce a partnership with the Egyptian Specialized Presidential Council for Education to provide enhanced research opportunities to the community.
London, UK. SAGE Publishing today announces that it is to begin publishing the Downside Review, a quarterly journal published by the monks of Downside since 1880, in partnership with Downside Abbey.