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459 Results Found for "UP2"


Index announces 2018 Freedom of Expression Awards winners

London, UK. A public art project and website celebrating dissent in Cuba and a collective of young bloggers and web activists who give voice to the opinions of young people from all over the Democratic Republic of Congo are among the winners of the 2018

SAGE Vantage Student Site Accessibility Guide

Last updated: 10 July 2023


Welcome to the accessibility guide for the SAGE Vantage Student Site (hereafter SAGE Vantage). We frequently make improvements to make our site more accessible, so you may wish to bookmark this page and check back every now and then.

Reviewer Rewards

We are grateful for all our reviewers, as this work really helps authors enhance and develop their papers and supports the integrity of the publishing process.

Child and adolescent therapy

Child and Adolescent therapy banner

Child and adolescent therapy concentrates on how to approach young people when it comes to understanding their emotions and counselling them.

Reviewer Rewards

We are grateful for the work that all of our reviewers do to help authors to enhance and develop their papers and to support the integrity of the publishing process. We want to recognize and reward the invaluable contribution you provide when you review for Sage. This page outlines what Sage can offer you in return for the time and expertise you offer as a reviewer.

Working with Guest Editors

Publishing special/themed issues or supplements can enhance the profile of the Journal, attract new authors and submissions, and support usage and citations. Many journal editors will arrange for a guest editor to handle the issue on their behalf. 

Using the Sage Track reviewer database

The Sage Track database contains contact information for authors who have previously submitted to the journal and reviewers who have been invited to review and/or reviewed for the journal. A user (e.g. a prospective reviewer) can create an account for a journal at any time. These searches can help identify suitable reviewers from these existing users in the system:
