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890 Results Found for "WE2"


Lean Library Partners with OpenAthens to Enable Single Sign-on

Lean Library, a SAGE Publishing company, announces a partnership with OpenAthens, an identity and access management software company, to support libraries accessing content using single sign-on authentication. This partnership expands Lean Library’s current program of supporting libraries with user-focused access to digital content.

Economic & Development Studies

SAGE is an international leading publisher of key journals and groundbreaking textbooks in economics and development studies. Known for our quality content and depth of coverage, we publish current and highly topical content that disseminates the latest research, expert analysis and economic forecasts.

Bookmark this page and visit us again as we highlight the latest research in our journals and profile new textbooks.

Counselling children and young people

Counselling children banner

Take a look below at the free resources on working therapeutically with children and young people, covering areas you’ll need to know about, from getting started on working with this client group and being ethical in your practice to specific skills and practical tips you can try out in your own practice

Inspection Copy Policy

Inspection copy policy

Textbooks marked with the inspection copy button are available free to course lecturers based at higher and further education institutions for adoption review.
