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Development Theory

Development Theory

Second Edition

September 2009 | 272 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This exciting book is a tour de force, spanning a broad range of approaches to development. It does not stop at critique, as so many previous books on these issues have done, but offers a unique perspective on future possibilities and the shape of things to come. It should be essential reading on all development studies courses.
- Andrea Cornwall, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex

Praise for the previous edition:

"This marvellous book should be read by every social scientist interested in development studies".
- Keith Griffin, University of California, Riverside

This is the second edition of this successful book. Written by one of the leading authorities in the field, it:

  • Situates students in the expanding field of development theory.
  • Provides an unrivalled guide to the strengths and weaknesses of competing theoretical approaches.
  • Explains key concepts.
  • Examines the shifts in theory.
  • Offers an agenda for the future.

Jan Nederveen brings together a huge range of experience and knowledge about the relationship between the economically advanced and the emerging, developing nations.

Trends in Development Theory
Development in Question

The Status of Development Theory

Meanings of 'Development' over Time

Development Is Struggle

The Development Field

Trends in Development Theory

Dilemmas of Development Discourse: The Crisis of Developmentalism and the Comparative Method
From Evolutionism to Development

Development as Redemption

The Crisis of Developmentalism


From Bipolarity to Polycentrism

The Deconstruction of the West

The Development of Development Theory: Towards Critical Globalism
Notions of Change

Development Theories in the Plural

Modernization Revisited

Critical Globalism

Delinking or Globalization?
The Cultural Turn in Development: Questions of Power
National Culture

Local Culture


Add Culture and Stir

Development and Cultural Liberty

My Paradigm or Yours? Variations on Alternative Development
Alternative Development

Alternative Development Paradigm

Paradigm Politics

Mainstream Development


After Post-Development
Problematizing Poverty


Critique of Modernism and Science

Development as Discourse

Alternatives to Development


Dichotomic Thinking

Politics of Post-Development


Equity and Growth Revisited: From Human Development to Social Development
Social Development

Redistribution with Growth

Lessons of East Asia

Human Development

Lessons of Welfare States

Social Capital


Critical Holism and the Tao of Development
Remedying Remedies

Wholeness, Holism

Contradictions of Modernity

Development and High Modernism

Shortcuts and Other Remedies

Towards the Tao of Development

Digital Capitalism and Development: The Unbearable Lightness of ICT4D
Bridging the Digital Divide

ICT4D as a Package Deal

Digital Capitalism? Cyber Utopia

ICT4D and Development Studies

ICT4D and Development Policy

Futures of Development
Futures of Development Thinking

Development as Collective Learning


Reflexive Modernity, Reflexive Development


Twenty-First Century Globalization and Development
Twenty-First Century Globalization

Turning Points

New Development Era

Development Pluralism

International Development Cooperation

After the Crisis


This exciting book is a tour de force, spanning a broad range of approaches to development. It does not stop at critique, as so many previous books on these issues have done, but offers a unique perspective on future possibilities and the shape of things to come. It should be essential reading on all development studies courses
Andrea Cornwall
Institute of Development Studies, The University of Sussex

This marvellous book should be read by every social scientist interested in development studies
Keith Griffin
Dept of Economics, University of California at Riverside

This book provides a comprehensive account of Development theory and enables students to think critically about the subject.

Dr Godfrey Vincent
Political Science History Dept, Tuskegee University
May 24, 2016

This is an advanced text suitable for Masters, and in some cases, Honours students. We have also managed to work out an affordable price for our students and I am hoping to have this book prescribed for our Development Theory course at the Masters, and potentially Honours, level.

Dr Samantha Leonard
Department of Development Studies, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
September 17, 2015

This book explores many approaches to development. It examines key concepts and shifts in theory.

Mrs Marion Farnworth
Centre of Health & Childhood Studies, Hopwood Hall College
January 16, 2015


I initially ordered this book with my second year undergrad course in mind. However, due to the more advanced nature of this book I have decided to adopt it as a prescribed text for my Honours course in Dev studies.
As always, Pieterse has provided a sound overview of current development theory and trends. The book highlights important discourse in current Development Theory and each chapter can be used as a starting block for initiating further insight into current controversy and trends.

Dr Samantha Leonard
Department of Development Studies, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
May 20, 2013

I initially ordered this book with my second year undergrad course in mind. However, due to the more advanced nature of this book I have decided to adopt it as a prescribed text for my Honours course in Dev studies.
As always, Pieterse has provided a sound overview of current development theory and trends. The book highlights important discourse in current Development Theory and each chapter can be used as a starting block for initiating further insight into current controversy and trends.

Dr Samantha Leonard
Department of Development Studies, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
May 20, 2013

Development Theory provides a comprehensive analysis of development discourse taking into account a wide range of relevant concepts. This text will support students to develop a critical insight into development theory and to consider the future of development thinking.

Ms Helen Maher
Department of Social Studies, Carlow College
December 21, 2012

The book is informative--but a little too abstract for an introductory development economics course. Advanced students will be directed to this text, however.

Dr Eric Hinderliter
Business, LCC International University
July 5, 2011

This book provides a very detailed examination of the wide variety of development paradigms. It approaches these in chronological order and looks at each in depth. It is a must for MA students of development and I shall be recommending it as a supplementary course text for my BSc undergraduates. It will soon need updating following the recent challenges to contemporary development ideologies by the popular uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa.

Dr Kevin Cook
Geography, Northampton University
March 3, 2011

An informed and wide ranging book. The chapter on ICT4Development is very useful for my students.

Dr Peter Day
Mass Communications , Brighton University
January 12, 2011

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter One

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412945158

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