Educational Management Administration & Leadership
Educational Management Administration & Leadership is covered by the Social Science Citation Index, Journal Citation Report-Social Science edition.
Educational Management, Administration and Leadership is an international peer-reviewed journal which publishes original and significant contributions on educational administration, management and leadership from all over the world. This includes primary research projects located in schools, and in further, vocational and higher education institutions.
All issues of Educational Management Administration & Leadership are available to browse online.
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
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Educational Management, Administration and Leadership is an international peer-reviewed journal which publishes original and significant contributions on educational administration, management and leadership, from all over the world. This includes research projects located in schools, and in further, vocational and higher education institutions. It also includes systematic reviews of specific topics and/or contexts. EMAL does not consider opinion pieces.
Manuscripts must be focused on educational management, administration or leadership. Submissions focused on other aspects of education will not be considered, nor will manuscripts based on leadership or management in other (non-educational) settings.
Tony Bush | University of Nottingham, UK |
Megan Crawford | University of Coventry, UK |
Jaswinder Dhillon | University of Worcester, UK |
Alexander Gardner-Mctaggart | University of Manchester, UK |
Toby Greany | University of Nottingham, UK |
Rob Higham | University College London, UK |
Ruth McGinity | University College London, UK |
Pontso Moorosi | University of Warwick, UK |
Susanne Sahlin | Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway |
Catherine Simon | Bath Spa University, UK |
Meng Tian | University of Birmingham, UK |
Mehmet Bellibas | Adiyaman University, Turkey |
Christopher Bezzina | University of Malta, Malta |
Ken Brien | University of New Brunswick, Canada |
Miles Bryant | University of Nebraska, USA |
Scott Eacott | University of New South Wales, Australia |
Tanya Fitzgerald | La Trobe University, Australia |
Peter Gronn | University of Cambridge, UK |
Philip Hallinger | Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University, Thailand |
Disraeli Hutton | Universty of the West Indies, Jamaica |
Gabriele Lakomski | University of Melbourne, Australia |
Kenneth Leithwood | University of Toronto, Canada |
Felix Maringe | University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa |
Raj Mestry | University of Johannesburg, South Africa |
Jorunn Møller | University of Oslo, Norway |
Carmen Montecinos | Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile |
John O'Neill | Massey University, New Zealand |
Izhar Oplatka | Tel Aviv University, Israel |
Petros Pashiardis | Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus |
Haiyan Qian | Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Viviane Robinson | University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Pierre Tulowitzki | FHNW University, Switzerland |
Allan Walker | The Education University of Hong Kong |
Paul Armstrong | |
Caitlin Donnelly | |
Alexander Gardner-Mctaggart | University of Manchester, UK |
Bethany Kelly | |
Berni Moreno | |
Lizana Oberholzer | |
Kevin Richardson | |
Saeeda Shah | |
Victoria Showunmi |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.