Feminism & Psychology
Feminism and Psychology offers an intellectually and politically charged archive of historic and contemporary lines of analysis within feminism and psychology, across continents.
“On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Committee on Women in Psychology, we acknowledge the leadership of the editorial team of Feminism & Psychology, an international, feminist, peer-reviewed journal, for encouraging, supporting, and showcasing cutting-edge and transformative feminist theory and research. Feminism & Psychology has provided a forum for critical, radical, and provocative feminist scholarship that serves as an impetus for social change and for theoretical and methodological innovations in feminist psychology. Feminism & Psychology has contributed to the transformation of psychology, has helped to clarify the dynamics of oppression and discrimination, and has stimulated new directions in the theories, methods, and practices of feminist psychology. We salute the Editorial Boards of Feminism & Psychology, who, since the journal’s inception, have truly been leaders for women in psychology.” Joan C. Chrisler, PhD, Chair, Committee on Women in Psychology
Feminism & Psychology fosters the development of feminist theory and practice in psychology and represents the concerns of women in a wide range of contexts across the academic/applied `divide'.
For detailed information on the focus of Feminism & Psychology, authors are encouraged to read this editorial.
Cutting-Edge Feminist Research and Debate
Feminism & Psychology has established itself as the leading international forum for cutting-edge feminist research and debate in - and beyond - psychology. The journal fosters the development of feminist theory and practice in psychology by publishing:
- A range of high-quality theoretical and empirical papers
- Dialogue, debate and commentary at the interface of feminism and psychology
- Articles integrating research, practice and broader social concerns
- Papers spanning the academic-practitioner 'divide' and representing a range of feminist voices including those under-represented in psychology journals
- Reviews, interviews and special features on topical issues
- Ground-breaking Special Issues
Members of the following societies are entitled to a 30% subscription discount on the individual rate! Simply mention your membership when ordering and supply the relevant membership details:
- Association for Women in Psychology
- American Psychological Association - Division 35 - Society for the Psychology of Women
- Australian Psychological Society - Women & Psychology Division
- BPS - POWS section
- The Section on Women and Psychology (SWAP) of the Canadian Psychological Association
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
Feminism & Psychology is available on SAGE Journals Online.
Books for review:
Books for review in Feminism & Psychology can be sent to:
Feminism & Psychology provides an international forum for debate at the interface of feminisms and psychologies. The peer-reviewed journal's principal aim is to foster feminist theory and practice in - and beyond - psychology. We are interested in pieces that provide insights into gendered realities along multiple intersecting dimensions of difference, privilege, and inequality. In addition to empirical work, we invite critical engagement with theories, methods of inquiry, concepts, and disciplinary and professional practice.
Feminism & Psychology encourages submissions from scholars, researchers, activists and practitioners at all stages of their careers.
Authors are encouraged to read this editorial for further information on the aims and scope of the journal.
Tracy Morison | Massey University, New Zealand |
Floretta Boonzaier | University of Cape Town, South Africa |
Catriona Macleod | Rhodes University, South Africa |
Sudarshan R Kottai | Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad, India |
Ngaire Donaghue | University of Tasmania, Australia |
Maria Gurevich | Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada |
Jeanne Marecek | Swarthmore College, USA |
H. Lorraine Radtke | University of Calgary, Canada |
Annadís Greta Rúdólfsdóttir | University of Iceland, Iceland |
Hale Bolak Boratov | Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey |
Virginia Braun | University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Rose Capdevila | The Open University, UK |
Rachelle Chadwick | University of Bristol, UK |
Kathy Davis | VU University, Netherlands |
João Manuel de Oliveira | Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil |
Nigel Edley | Nottingham Trent University, UK |
Breanne Fahs | Arizona State University, USA |
Nicola Gavey | University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Farzana Haniffa | University of Colombo, Sri Lanka |
Nikki Hayfield | University of the West of England, UK |
Peter Hegarty | The Open University, UK |
Sue Jackson | Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand |
Katherine Johnson | RMIT University, Australia |
Michelle La France | St. Thomas University, Canada |
Sharon Lamb | University of Massachusetts Boston, USA |
Malose Langa | University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa |
Abigail Locke | Keele University, UK |
Eva Magnusson | Umeå University, Sweden |
Sara McClelland | University of Michigan, USA |
Linda McMullen | University of Saskatchewan, Canada |
Ingrid Palmary | University of Witswatersand, South Africa |
Ann Phoenix | University College London, UK |
Isabel Piper | Univeristy of Chile, Chile |
Kopano Ratele | Medical Research Council, South Africa |
Sarah Riley | Massey University - New Zealand |
Alexandra Rutherford | York University, Canada |
Puleng Segalo | University of South Africa, South Africa |
Charlene Y. Senn | University of Windsor, Canada |
Shanaaz Suffla | Medical Research Council, South Africa |
Stephanie Taylor | The Open University, UK |
Gareth Terry | Massey University, New Zealand |
Ann Weatherall | Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand |
Eileen Zurbriggen | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA |
Sue Wilkinson | York University, UK |
Megaera Jones | Rhodes University, South Africa |
Megan Reuvers | Rhodes University, South Africa |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.