Handbook of Assessment Methods for Eating Behaviors and Weight-Related Problems
Measures, Theory, and Research
- David B. Allison - University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
- Monica L. Baskin - The Univerisity of Alabama at Birmingham
- General Personality Assessment and psychopathology of persons with eating and weight related concerns
- Measures of quality of life assessments
- Methods for measuring attitudes and beliefs about obese people
- Assessment of Body Image
- Measures of Restrained Eating
- Measures of Physical Activity
- Measuring Food Intake
- Binge Eating and Purging
- Assessment of Eating and Weight related problems with Children
- Identification of Psychological Problems of patients with eating disorders.
Sample Materials & Chapters
Chapter 1 - Assessment of General Personality and Psychopathology Among Persons
Chapter 4 - Assessment of Body Image