Improving Substance Abuse Treatment
An Introduction to the Evidence-Based Practice Movement
- Michele J. Eliason - University of California, San Francisco, USA
July 2007 | 200 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This book is an attempt to bridge the gap between research on substance abuse treatment programs and what actually goes on in the field of substance abuse treatment. It is aimed at both the academic and practitioner market (as is Perkinson) and it clearly describes how to determine what evidence based practice is and it addresses some of the challenges that practioners and agency directors might face in implementing EBP. The book is well-written and highly practical. It contains two complete case studies that outline two examples of Evidence based practice which will be particularly useful in the course market.
Ch 1: Introduction
Ch 2: What Are Evidence-Based Practices?
Ch 3: Determining What Is Evidence-Based
Ch 4: Adoption and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices
Ch 5: Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices
Ch 6: A Research Primer: Overview, Hypotheses, and Variables
Ch 7: Research Methods
Ch 8: Data Analysis and Interpretation
Ch 9: Qualitative Research, Dissemination, and Funding
Ch 10: Conclusions and Future Directions
Glossary of Key Terms
References and Web Resources
Appendix A: Text of Oregon Law
About the Author
Provides clear and updated text.
gen studies & counseling in ed, uco ad sped
December 3, 2011