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Journal of Fire Sciences

Journal of Fire Sciences

eISSN: 15308049 | ISSN: 07349041 | Current volume: 43 | Current issue: 2 Frequency: Bi-monthly

The Journal of Fire Sciences is a leading journal for the reporting of new and significant fundamental and applied research that brings understanding of fire chemistry, physics, and engineering to fire safety. Its content is aimed toward the prevention and mitigation of the adverse effects of fires, as well as development of new tools to better address fire safety needs. The Journal of Fire Sciences covers experimental or theoretical studies (backed with experimental information) of fire initiation and growth, flame retardant chemistry, fire physics relative to material behavior, fire containment, fire threat to people and the environment and fire safety engineering. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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The Journal of Fire Sciences is a leading, peer-reviewed international journal for the reporting of new and significant fundamental and applied research within the fire safety science community. Its overall content is generally aimed toward the prevention and mitigation of the adverse effects of fires as well as understanding the flammability behavior of materials and assemblies. Contributors and subscribers alike represent countries from around the world.

Published bimonthly, the Journal of Fire Sciences addresses essentially all scientific fire aspects whose consequences are considered detrimental to life and property.

Topics, generally involving experimental and theoretical (backed with experimental data) studies of fire initiation and growth, fire containment, fire threat to people and the environment and fire safety engineering, frequently include the following:

  • Measurement and computation of fire properties of materials and products, including ignitability, heat release, smoke and combustion product generation
  • Fire safety engineering studies that find new fire risk scenarios, or provide key insight into existing scenarios
  • Fire retardant systems, chemistry, and methodology for materials and products
  • Fire growth phenomena, including flame spread and smoke movement
  • Fire detection and extinguishment based upon fire chemistry and physical phenomena
  • Effects of fire effluents/emissions and heat on exposed occupants (excluding physiological and medical aspects of these effects)
  • Fire forensic science
  • New approaches to fire protection system design and risk analysis validated by experimental data or by fire loss data.

The content of the Journal of Fire Sciences places particular emphasis on materials, products, assemblies, and systems used in all scenarios affected by fire. Consequently, the Journal is especially relevant for manufacturers, designers, users, and regulators involved with applications where fire safety is of importance. Forum discussions on the intersection of fire science, fire safety engineering, and regulatory issues are within scope, and will be engaged in special issues from time to time where key researchers in these fields come together for special issues to give their hypotheses on these key issues for other researchers to discuss and develop experiments to prove/disprove these hypotheses.

Papers of all lengths (short and long) are welcome in the journal, as articles do not have page limits.

Editor in Chief
Alexander B. Morgan University of Dayton Research Institute, USA
Editor in Chief Emeritus
Gordon E Hartzell Hartzell Consulting, USA
Edward D. Weil Polytechnic University, USA
Associate Editors
Vytenis Babrauskas Fire Science and Technology Inc., USA
Serge Bourbigot Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille (ENSCL), France
Morgan Bruns Virginia Military Institute, USA
Editorial Advisory Board
Jenny Alongi Università di Milano, Italy
Gunter Beyer Kabelwerk Eupen AG, Belgium
Matthew S. Blais Southwest Research Institute, USA
Federico Carosio Politecnico di Torino, Italy
W.K. Chow The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Sabyasachi Gaan Empa Standard Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
Laura Hasburgh USDA Forest Service, USA
Marcelo M. Hirschler GBH International, USA
A. Richard Horrocks The University of Bolton, UK
Yuan Hu University of Science and Technology of China, China
Marc L. Janssens Southwest Research Institute, USA
Sergei V. Levchik Israel Chemicals Ltd., USA
Richard E. Lyon Federal Aviation Administration, USA
Ravi Mosurkal US Army CCDC Soldier Center, USA
Gordon L. Nelson Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Bernhard Schartel BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany
Michael Spearpoint University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Anna A. Stec University of Central Lancashire, UK
Stanislav Stoliarov University of Maryland, USA
Ya-Ting T. Liao Case Western Reserve University, USA
Yu-Zhong Wang Sichuan University, China
Anteneh Z. Worku FR Advisor LLC, USA
Qiang Yao Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, China
Mauro Zammarano National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
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