Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management
Medical Research
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Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, formerly named Clinical Risk, is a peer-reviewed journal. It builds on its roots in the UK to provide an international forum for the exchange of new knowledge and ideas in the fields of patient safety, risk management, and medico-legal issues.
It prioritizes evidence-based research papers and reviews, as well as commentaries on timely patient safety issues where there are implications for patient care, clinical and professional practice, health care governance, and policy. The Journal acknowledges the centrality of the case study in both medical and medico-legal practice, and promotes a multidisciplinary, mixed-methods approach to understanding and improving patient safety.
Papers commissioned by Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) provide insights to work on patient safety in the UK as well as medico-legal issues and clinical negligence cases with patient safety implications.
Albert W. Wu, MD, MPH | Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Matt Austin | Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Kiran Gupta | University of California San Francisco, USA |
Peter Walsh, MBA | Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA), UK |
John Mead, BA, FCII | NHS Litigation Authority, UK |
Tommaso Bellandi, PhD | Tuscany Region Department of Health, Italy |
Peter W. Buckle, PhD | Imperial College London, UK |
Robert Francis, LLB, KC | Serjeants' Inn Chambers, UK |
Ezequiel García-Elorrio, MD, MSc, MBA, PhD | Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy, Argentina |
Allen B. Kachalia, MD, JD | John Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, USA |
Ed Kelley, PhD | ApiJect Systems, USA |
Shunzo Koizumi, MD | Saga University, Japan |
Mondher Letaief | WHO EMRO Regional Office, Egypt |
Tingfang Liu, MD | Peking Union Medical College, China |
Alpana Mair, MSc, PhD | Scottish Government, UK |
Martin Makary, MD, MPH | Johns Hopkins University, USA |
David Newman-Toker, MD, PhD | Johns Hopkins University, USA |
John Øvretveit, PhD | Karolinska Institute, Sweden |
Lori Paine, RN, MS | Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA |
Chris Power | Canadian Patient Safety Institute, Canada |
Peter J. Pronovost, MD, PhD | Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Hugo Sax, MD | University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland |
David W. Shapiro, MD, JD | Palo Alto, USA |
Susan Sheridan, MIM, MBA | Consumers Advancing Patient Safety, USA |
Anupam Sibal, MBBS, MD | Apollo Hospitals Group, India |
Reinhard Strametz, MD | Wiesbaden Business School, Germany |
Eric J. Thomas, MD, MPH | University of Texas Houston, USA |
Teresa Tono, MD, MPH, PhD | Organización para la Excelencia de la Salud, Columbia |
Tonny Tumwesigye, MBBS, MPH | Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau, Uganda |
Shin Ushiro, MD | Kyushu University Hospital, Japan |
Charles Vincent, MPhil, PhD | Oxford University, UK |
Peter Walsh, MBA | Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA), UK |
Pa-Chun Wang, MD, MS, MBA | Joint Commission of Taiwan, Taiwan |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.