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Journal of Peacebuilding & Development

Journal of Peacebuilding & Development

Published in Association with Kennesaw State University
Published in Association with Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies
Published in Association with Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

eISSN: 21657440 | ISSN: 15423166 | Current volume: 19 | Current issue: 2-3 Frequency: 3 Times/Year
Journal of Peacebuilding & Development (JPD) ) is a refereed journal providing a forum for the sharing of critical thinking and constructive action at the intersections of conflict, development and peace. As a refereed journal with a unique mission, JPD offers a professional and respected tool for promoting dialogue and expanding networks on critical peacebuilding discussions between scholars and practitioners towards coherent, constructive action. Our networks of scholar communities, policy-makers and advisors, practitioners and activists across the North and South - and in particular from countries affected by conflict and fragility - that we serve and seek to better serve engage in dialogue around critical issues at the heart of our collective global search for peace. JPD’s capturing of innovative practices, policy analysis and recommendations, and theory derived from the on-the-ground realities that people in conflict and fragile contexts face, offers holistic, practical and visionary approaches that seek to influence policy and practice in ways that support transformative processes globally.

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Aiming to develop theory-practice and South-North dialogues, JPD examines critical peacebuilding and development topics that challenge our era, including:

  • Building resilient states, societies, and livelihoods
  • Infrastructures for peace and violence prevention
  • Political economy of violence, conflict, and peacebuilding
  • Peacebuilding and statebuilding in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
  • Economic dimensions of justice, reconciliation, and social cohesion
  • Identities and relationships in conflict and development
  • Natural resources, the environment, and peacebuilding
  • Human rights and human security
  • Nonviolence and social change
  • Aid coherence and coordination in peacebuilding and development
  • Paradigmatic approaches and theories underpinning policy and practice
  • Peace and conflict sensitive planning, policy making, programming, and monitoring and evaluation
  • Cross-cutting issues: governance, national and local ownership, hybridity, capacity development, power and empowerment, the role of culture, targeting special groups (i.e. women, youth, and minorities).

JPD foregrounds qualitative methodologies, especially empirically based case studies that facilitate grounded and fresh analysis to serve theory, policy, and strategy development. JPD offers a space for scholars and practitioners to examine the logic and impacts of dominant policies and practices, and to cultivate visionary, holistic approaches striving to advance collaboration between the fields of peacebuilding and development. Our authors, advisors, and editorial staff represent global scholarship, practice, and activism.

Chief Editors
Ghassan ElKahlout Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies at Doha Institute, Qatar
Julie Rouge Carter School at George Mason University, USA
Associate Editors
Gina Lende NOREF, Norway
Sansom Milton Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies at Doha Institute, Qatar
Margarita Tadevosyan Carter School at George Mason University, USA
Managing Editor
Mohammed Alsousi Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies at Doha Institute, Qatar
Assistant Managing Editor/Resources Editor
Wadee Alarabeed Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies at Doha Institute, Qatar
Founding Editors & Online Special Collections Editors
Erin McCandless University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Mohammed Abu-Nimer American University, USA
Chair of Advisory Board
Alpaslan Özerdem Carter School at George Mason University, USA
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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