Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
JPA's topics include "best practices" in assessment, cross-cultural assessment, differential diagnoses, and validity studies of major and new measures of relevance to psychoeducational assessment. All areas of psychological and educational assessment are addressed that focus on key individual differences factors including intelligence, personality, and conation. Also of particular interest are papers that address innovative assessment strategies, relationships among existing instruments, diagnostic procedures, and relationship between assessment and instruction, including the assessment of learning environments. Issues related to the assessment of the following constructs and skills are routinely addressed: achievement, adaptive behavior, classroom behaviors, creativity, intelligence, language, learning environments, memory, neuropsychological functioning, personality and temperament, social skills, and vocational abilities.
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The Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment (JPA) publishes contemporary and important information focusing on psychological and educational assessment research and evidence-based practices as well as assessment instrumentation. JPA is well known internationally for the quality of published assessment-related research, theory and practice papers, and book and test reviews. The methodologically sound and empirically-based studies and critical test and book reviews will be of particular interest to all assessment specialists including practicing psychologists, psychoeducational consultants, educational diagnosticians and special educators. Although the major content of JPA is directed at the assessment of children and youth, relevant papers on adult assessment may be considered for publication. The range of topics covered by JPA include multimethod assessment practices, process and outcome assessment, differential diagnosis, individual and group assessment, cross-cultural assessment, and validity studies of new and often used tests and assessment instruments. Of particular interest are papers that examine innovative assessment methods and models, relationships among existing instruments, diagnostic procedures, and the role and relevance of assessment in psychology and education. However, papers reporting only limited psychometric or local results for lesser known, translated, or adapted tests will not be considered for review unless submitted as brief articles and justifying a contribution to the research or practice literature. Papers employing varying research methodologies (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods) that demonstrate both the strengths and limitations of assessment methods and instruments are welcome. Frequently appearing articles address the assessment of behavior, creativity, intelligence and cognitive abilities, language skills, learning disabilities, learning environments, motor skills, memory, motivation and other conative factors, neurological functioning, personality and affective factors, social skills, and vocational abilities. We also invite proposals for ‘special issues’ that fit with the aims and scope of JPA.
Donald H. Saklofske | University of Western Ontario, Canada |
Kristina C. Breaux | Pearson Clinical Assessment |
Stefan C. Dombrowski | Rider University, USA |
Daniel B. Hajovsky | Texas A&M University-College Station, USA |
Jihyun Lee | University of New South Wales, Australia |
Patricia A. Lowe | University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA |
Janine Montgomery | University of Manitoba, Canada |
Lawrence G. Weiss | Research and Measurement Consultant, USA |
Sara E. Witmer | Michigan State University, USA |
Bruce A. Bracken | College of William & Mary, USA |
R. Steve McCallum | University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA |
Vincent C. Alfonso | Montclair State University, USA |
Justin P. Allen | Sam Houston State University, USA |
Rebecca P. Ang | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
A. Lynne Beal | Private Practice, Canada |
Nicholas F. Benson | Baylor University, USA |
Giray Berberoglu | Baskent University, Turkey |
Jacqueline M. Caemmerer | University of Connecticut, USA |
Jonathan M. Campbell | University of Kentucky, USA |
Gary L. Canivez | Eastern Illinois University, USA |
Felicia Castro-Villarreal | The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA |
Hsinyi Chen | National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan |
Steven R. Chesnut | University of Missouri - Kansas City, USA |
Kimberly F. Colvin | University at Albany, SUNY, USA |
Jerome D'Agostino | The Ohio State University, USA |
Annamaria Di Fabio | University of Florence, Italy |
Erin Dowdy | University of California, Santa Barbara, USA |
Oliver W. Edwards | University of Central Florida, USA |
Joseph R. Engler | Gonzaga University, USA |
Dawn P. Flanagan | St. John’s University, USA |
Randy G. Floyd | The University of Memphis, USA |
Brian French | Washington State University, USA |
Ruiqin Gao | University of South Carolina, USA |
Chad M. Gotch | Washington State University, USA |
Meara Habashi | The University of Iowa, USA |
David M. Hansen | The University of Kansas, USA |
Leigh M. Harrell-Williams | University of Memphis, USA |
Allyson G. Harrison | Queen's University, Canada |
James A. Holdnack | University of Delaware, USA |
Stephen Houghton | The University of Western Australia, Australia |
Thomas J. Huberty | Indiana University, USA |
Anita M. Hubley | University of British Columbia, Canada |
Scott Huebner | University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA |
Darrell M. Hull | University of North Texas, USA |
Jason C. Immekus | University of Louisville, USA |
Kelly P. Jarratt | University of Arkansas Medical Sciences, USA |
Paul C. Jones | Temple University, USA |
Sean Joo | University of Kansas, USA |
Randy Kamphaus | University of Oregon, USA |
Alan S. Kaufman | Yale University School of Medicine, USA |
James Kaufman | University of Connecticut, USA |
Eun Sook Kim | University of South Florida, USA |
Colin B. King | University of Western Ontario, Canada |
Don Klinger | University of Waikato, New Zealand |
Larry J. Lewandowski | Syracuse University, USA |
Hongli Li | Georgia State University, USA |
Xinya Liang | University of Arkansas, USA |
Jin Liu | University of South Carolina, USA |
Adam Lockwood | Kent State University, USA |
Haiying Long | University of Kansas, USA |
Francesca A. Lopez | University of Arizona, USA |
Benjamin J. Lovett | Columbia University, USA |
Anita S. McCormick | Texas A&M University, USA |
Ryan J. McGill | The College of William and Mary, USA |
Kevin S. McGrew | Institute for Applied Psychometrics |
Brian C. McKevitt | University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA |
Grant B. Morgan | Baylor University, USA |
Jack Naglieri | University of Virginia, USA |
Jason Nelson | University of Georgia, USA |
Christopher R. Niileksela | University of Kansas, USA |
James D. A. Parker | Trent University, Canada |
Jason R. Parkin | Seattle University, USA |
Gretchen Gimpel Peacock | Utah State University, USA |
Steven Pfeiffer | Florida State University, USA |
Aurelio Prifitera | Assessment Consultant, USA |
Pamela Qualter | University of Central Lancashire, UK |
Amy Reschly | University of Georgia, USA |
Cecil R. Reynolds | Texas A & M University |
Matthew r. Reynolds | University of Kansas, USA |
Alysia D. Roehrig | Florida State University, USA |
Lia Sandilos | Lehigh University, USA |
Daniel A. Sass | University of Texas at San Antonio, USA |
Barbara Schaefer | Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Ara J. Schmitt | Duquesne University, USA |
W. Joel Schneider | Illinois State University, USA |
Vicki L. Schwean | University of Western Ontario, Canada |
Sally Shaywitz | Yale University School of Medicine, USA |
William P. Skorupski | University of Kansas, USA |
Con Stough | Swinburne University, Australia |
Kara M. Styck | The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA |
Shannon M. Suldo | University of South Florida, USA |
Jeremy R. Sullivan | University of Texas at San Antonio, USA |
Mark E. Swerdlik | Illinois State University, USA |
Renée M. Tobin | Temple University, USA |
Jeannine E. Turner | Florida State University, USA |
Amery D. Wu | University of British Columbia, Canada |
Gonggu Yan | Beijing Normal University, China |
Yanyun Yang | Florida State University, USA |
Myeongsun Yoon | Texas A & M University, USA |
Moshe Zeidner | University of Haifa, Israel |
Corinne Zimmerman | Illinois State University, USA |
Bruno Zumbo | University of British Columbia, Canada |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.