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Journal package: Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control AND Measurement + Control

Journal package: Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control AND Measurement + Control

Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control journal and Measurement + Control Journal are sold as a package.

  • Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control is the fully peer-reviewed international journal of the Institute of Measurement and Control. The journal covers all areas of applications in instrumentation and control. Its scope encompasses cutting-edge research and development, education and industrial applications. Providing a dynamic forum for the international measurement and control community, this distinguished journal publishes peer-reviewed papers designed to appeal to both researchers and practitioners. It presents up-to-date coverage of the latest developments, offering a unique interdisciplinary perspective. .


  • Measurement + Control publishes both practical and technical research and news pieces from both the science and engineering industry and academia. Whilst focusing more broadly on topics of relevance for practitioners in instrumentation and control, the journal also includes updates on both product and business announcements and information on technical advances. Ten issues are published annually.