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European Journal of International Relations

European Journal of International Relations

ECPR Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR) and European International

eISSN: 14603713 | ISSN: 13540661 | Current volume: 31 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly

The European Journal of International Relations (EJIR) is the peer-reviewed flagship journal of the ECPR Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR) and the European International Studies Association (EISA). A joint committee of the SGIR and the European International Studies Association is responsible for the management and success of the journal. In keeping with the wide range of scholarly interests represented by the SGIR membership, the journal is broadly representative of the field of International Relations as it has evolved in Europe (see Aims and Scope). Since the establishment of the journal in 1995, the EJIR has become a major and independent voice in International Relations scholarship. Building on its European origins, it has developed over more than two decades to epitomize cutting edge theoretical debates and theoretically-informed empirical analysis that reflects the best of the global International Relations community.

Praise for the EJIR:
"It is a treat to have a journal that is dedicated to promoting cutting-edge research in international politics, especially one not bound to the fashions and fetishes that often plague the discipline." Linda Weiss

"The best journal for staying abreast of international relations scholarship around the world. An antidote for parochialism of all kinds - geographic, methodological, theoretical, and ideological." David A Baldwin

"EJIR has become an indispensable voice in the intense disciplinary debates about the theory and praxis of international politics, commendably shedding light rather than merely generating heat on the subject of humanity's collective future." John Ruggie

"With a caveat for extra delivery charges, EJIR would be the one IR journal to subscribe to on that proverbial desert island. No other journal in the field simultaneously keeps you in the know about mainstream scholarship of the highest quality and about innovative work that challenges that same mainstream." Ole Wæver

"With its first rate articles on such subjects as sovereignty, human rights, peace and community, EJIR has demonstrated to the rest of the world that the power of ideas is separate from the power of power. EJIR has given food for thought to those aspiring to develop a journal whereby genuinely open and thoughtful debates be conducted on a solid academic foundation." Takashi Inoguchi

"The EJIR is leading the way in opening up new conceptual territory in the study of international politics." Jack L Snyder

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The European Journal of International Relations publishes peer-reviewed scholarly contributions across the full breadth of the field of International Relations, from cutting edge theoretical debates to topics of contemporary and historical interest to scholars and practitioners in the IR community. The journal eschews adherence to any particular school or approach, nor is it either predisposed or restricted to any particular methodology. Theoretically aware empirical analysis and conceptual innovation forms the core of the journal’s dissemination of International Relations scholarship throughout the global academic community. In keeping with its European roots, this includes a commitment to underlying philosophical and normative issues relevant to the field, as well as interaction with related disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. This theoretical and methodological openness aims to produce a European journal with global impact, fostering broad awareness and innovation in a dynamic discipline.

Adherence to this broad mandate has underpinned the journal’s emergence as a major and independent worldwide voice across the sub-fields of International Relations scholarship. The Editors embrace and are committed to further developing this inheritance. Above all the journal aims to achieve a representative balance across the diversity of the field and to promote deeper understanding of the rapidly-changing world around us. This includes an active and on-going commitment to facilitating dialogue with the study of global politics in the social sciences and beyond, among others international history, international law, international and development economics, and political/economic geography. The EJIR warmly embraces genuinely interdisciplinary scholarship that actively engages with the broad debates taking place across the contemporary field of international relations.

Editor in Chief
Oliver Kessler University of Erfurt, Germany
Managing Editor
Ben Scandrett University of Sussex, UK
Associate Editors
Zeynep Gulsah Capan University of Erfurt, Germany
Sophia Hoffmann University of Erfurt, Germany
Jorg Kustermans University of Antwerp, Belgium
Halvard Leira Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Norway
Editorial Committee
Fiona Adamson SOAS University of London, UK
Rebecca Adler-Nissen University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Mathias Albert Bielefeld University, Germany
Alex Barder Florida International University, USA
Pinar Bilgin Bilkent University, Turkey
Philippe Bonditti Université Catholique de Lille, France
Julia Costa Lopez University of Groningen, Netherlands
Benjamin de Carvalho Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Norway
Filip Ejdus University of Belgrade, Serbia
Luc Fransen University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Annette Freyberg-Inan University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Frank Gadinger TU Darmstadt, Germany
Andreas Goldthau Universität Erfurt, Germany
John Haskell University of Manchester, England
Thomas Hegghammer International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), Norway
Benjamin Herborth University of Groningen, Netherlands
Stephanie Hoffmann European University Institute (EUI), Switzerland
Jana Hönke University of Bayreuth, Germany
Kimberly Hutchings Queen Mary University of London, UK
Patrick T. Jackson American University, USA
Beate Jahn University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Achim Kemmerling Erfurt University, Germany
Maria Mälksoo University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Andrew Philipps The University of Queensland , Australia
Joel Quirk University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa
Kosuke Shimizu Ryukoku University, Japan
Ann Towns University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Geoffrey Underhill University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Darshan Vigneswaran University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
William Wohlforth Dartmouth Institute for Global Security, USA
International Advisory Board
Emanuel Adler University of Toronto, Canada
John Agnew University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Pierre Allan University of Geneva, Switzerland
Esther Barbé Universitat Autonoma De Barcelona, Spain
Ulrich Beck University of Munich, Germany
Seyla Benhabib Yale University, USA
Philip G Cerny University of Manchester, UK
Alessandro Colombo University of Milan, Italy
Michael Doyle Columbia University, USA
Jim George Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Joseph M Grieco Duke University, USA
Russell Hardin New York University, USA
David Held University of Durham, UK
Otmar Höll Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik, Austria
Andrew Hurrell University of Oxford, UK
Takashi Inoguchi The University of Tokyo
Robert Jackson Boston University, USA
Robert Jervis Columbia University, New York, USA
Fuat Keyman Koc University, Turkey
Yuen Foong Khong University of Oxford, UK
Martti Koskenniemi University of Helsinki, Finland
Keith Krause Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
Richard Ned Lebow King's College London, UK
Andrew Linklater Aberystwyth University, UK
Richard Little University of Bristol, UK
Andrei Y Melville National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Chung-in Moon Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Ralph Pettman Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Zlatko Sabic University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Saskia Sassen Columbia University, USA
Paul W Schroeder University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Hidemi Suganami Aberystwyth University, UK
Arild Underdal University of Oslo, Norway
Peter Vale University of Pretoria, South Africa
Christian Welz European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, Ireland
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