Language Testing
Language Testing is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing research on first (L1), second, additional, foreign, and bi-/multi-/trans-lingual (henceforth collectively called L2) language testing, assessment, and evaluation. Established in 1984, it is the longest standing journal in the field of language testing and assessment. The journal's scope encompasses the testing, assessment, and evaluation of spoken, signed, and tactile languages being learned throughout the lifespan. As such, the journal publishes research that addresses the design, implementation, validation, and use of tests and assessments in large-scale, local, and instructional contexts. Contributions may examine the use of language assessments as research tools to provide information on language knowledge and performance abilities and/or present methodological innovations for language testing research and practice. The journal welcomes submissions that deal with larger social, cultural, philosophical, economic, and political issues in language testing and assessment, including the use of tests to inform high-stakes decision making in domains including but not limited to education, employment, and mobility.
The Editors are committed to promoting interdisciplinary research. We welcome manuscripts that draw on theory and methodology from different areas within linguistics, applied linguistics, and educational and psychological measurement, which have traditionally been the bedrock of Language Testing submissions. We are also open to submissions that draw on insights or traditions from other disciplines as they interface with language testing and assessment (e.g., humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, physical sciences and engineering, and medicine) to generate new insights for our field. Language Testing has a range of submission categories, including Research Articles, Systematic Reviews, Brief Reports, Registered Reports, Viewpoints, Letters to the Editor, Book Reviews, and Test Reviews. We publish primary and secondary research, including empirical studies spanning the methodological spectrum (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods), reviews, and thought pieces. Additionally, the journal encourages the submission of replication studies that help to embed and extend knowledge of generalizable findings in the field. As a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Language Testing strives to emulate the highest standards of integrity in research dissemination. We encourage authors to adhere to open science initiatives to promote the transparency, accessibility, and reproducibility of their research.
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Language Testing is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes original research on foreign, second, additional, and bi-/multi-/trans-lingual (henceforth collectively called L2) language testing, assessment, and evaluation. The journal's scope encompasses the testing of L2s being learned by children and adults, and the use of tests as research and evaluation tools that are used to provide information on the knowledge and performance abilities of L2 learners.
In addition, the journal publishes submissions that deal with L2 testing policy issues, including the use of tests for making high-stakes decisions about L2 learners in fields as diverse as education, employment, and international mobility. The journal welcomes the submission of papers that deal with ethical and philosophical issues in L2 testing, as well as issues centering on L2 test design, validation, and technical matters. Primary studies, replication studies, and secondary analyses of pre-existing data are welcome. Authors are encouraged to adhere to Open Science Initiatives.
Talia Isaacs | University College London, UK |
Xun Yan | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Ruslan Suvorov | Western University, Canada |
Benjamin Kremmel | University of Innsbruck, Austria |
Troy Cox | Brigham Young University, USA |
Vahid Aryadoust | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Khaled Barkaoui | York University, Canada |
Aaron Olaf Batty | Keio University, Fujisawa, Japan |
Tineke Brunfaut | Lancaster University, UK |
Dylan Burton | Georgia State University, USA |
Carol Chapelle | Iowa State University, USA |
Inn-Chull Choi | Korea University, South Korea |
Troy Cox | Brigham Young University, USA |
Bart Deygers | Ghent University, Belgium |
Jason Fan | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Atta Gebril | The American University in Cairo, Egypt |
Anthony Green | University of Bedfordshire, UK |
Luke Harding | Lancaster University, UK |
Franz Holzknecht | University of Teacher Education in Special Needs, Switzerland |
Bimali Indrarathne | General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka |
Dan Isbell | University of Hawai’i at Mãnoa, USA |
Noriko Iwashita | University of Queensland, Australia |
Okim Kang | University of Northern Arizona, USA |
Ute Knoch | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Kristopher Kyle | University of Oregon, USA |
Daniel Lam | University of Glasgow, UK |
Salomé Villa Larenas | Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile |
Hongli Li | Georgia State University, USA |
Zhi Li | University of Saskatchewan, Canada |
Susy MacQueen | Australian National University, Australia |
Stuart McLean | Kindai University, Japan |
Shangchao Min | Zhejiang University, China |
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara | University of Bedfordshire, UK |
Lia Plakans | University of Iowa, USA |
Yasuyo Sawaki | Waseda University, Japan |
Jamie Schissel | University of North Carolina, USA |
Sun-young Shin | Indiana University Bloomington, USA |
Jonathan Trace | Keio University, Japan |
Paula Winke | Michigan State University, USA |
Jin Yan | Shanghai Jiaotong University, China |
Soo Jung Youn | Daegu National University of Education, South Korea |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.