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Lesbian and Gay Studies

Lesbian and Gay Studies
An Introductory, Interdisciplinary Approach

First Edition
Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Gay & Lesbian Studies

July 2000 | 256 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This timely book seeks to demonstrate the coherence of lesbian and gay studies. It introduces the reader to the principal inter-disciplinary approaches in the field and critically assesses their strengths and weaknesses whilst asking: What is lesbian and gay studies? When did it emerge? And what are its achievements and research agenda?

The gay and lesbian movement has emerged as a major political and cultural force. It poses a series of far reaching questions about the organization of identity, the operation of power and the limits of tolerance. Lesbian and Gay Studies has emerged as a vital and enriching field. It offers challenges to more traditional disciplines and requires new forms of thought about the connections between academic work and personal politics.

Jeffrey Weeks
The Challenge of Lesbian and Gay Studies
Theo Sandfort
Homosexuality, Psychology, and Gay and Lesbian Studies
Ken Plummer
Mapping the Sociological Gay
Past, Presents and Futures of a Sociology of Same-Sex Relations

Judith Schuyf
Hidden from History? Homosexuality and the Historical Sciences
Gert Hekma
Queering Anthropology
Leslie J Moran
Homo Legalis
Lesbian and Gay in Legal Studies

Andr[ac]e Krouwel and Jan Willem Duyvendak
The Private and the Public
Gay and Lesbian Issues in Political Science

Jon Binnie and Gill Valentine
Geographies of Sexuality
A Review of Progress

Marco Pustianaz
Gay Male Literary Studies
Liana Borghi
Lesbian Literary Studies
Ren[ac]ee C Hoogland
Fashionably Queer
Lesbian and Gay Cultural Studies

Theo Sandfort and Hansje Galesloot
Crossing Borders
A Debate on the Perspectives of Women's Studies and Gay and Lesbian Studies

Rommel Mend[gr]es-Leite and Onno de Zwart
Fighting the Epidemic
Social AIDS Studies

Judith Schuyf and Theo Sandfort
Gay and Lesbian Studies at a Crossroads


`The collection attempts to summarise research and theory on lesbian and gay isseus in these diverse disciplines and to give the reader a better idea of the scope and possibilities for growth in lesbian and gay studies. To achieve this, each author has written a chapter on lesbian and gay studies from their own disciplinary perspective. This has produced an eclectic mix of papers with a Eurocentric focus...most of the chapters are useful in that they give the reader a sense of how lesbian and gay-related research has been carried out historically within different fields and what the current "state of play" is in each area. The majority of chapters have comprehensive bibliographies and therefore make good "jumping-off points" for interested readers' - Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review

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ISBN: 9780761954187
ISBN: 9780761954170

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