David Aaker
Prophet |
Regina Abram
The Wharton School |
Ritu Agarwal
Raj Aggarwal
Kent State University Foundation |
Gad Allon
The Wharton School |
Edward Anderson
University of Texas at Austin |
Eugene Anderson
University of Pittsburgh |
Michael J. Arena
Biola University |
Paul A. Argenti
Dartmouth College |
Linda Argote
Carnegie Mellon University |
Anil Arya
Ohio State University, USA |
Baris Ata
University of Chicago |
Rob Austin
University of Western Ontario, Canada |
Karen Ayas
The Ripples Group, USA |
Arun Balakrishnan
Formerly of Hindustan Petroleum |
Raju Balakrishnan
University of Baltimore, USA |
Moloy Bannerjee
Bangalore |
Felix Barber
Ashridge Strategic Management Centre |
Richard Barker
Oxford University |
Caryn Beck-Dudley
CB Bhattacharya
University of Pittsburgh |
Amar Bhidé
Tufts University, USA |
John Birge
University of Chicago |
Sam Bodily
University of Virginia |
Robert Bordley
University of Michigan |
Joseph Bower
Harvard University |
Luiz Artur Ledur Brito
Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo |
Ryan Buell
Harvard University |
Andrew Campbell
Ashridge Strategic Management Centre |
Dennis Campbell
Harvard University |
Peter Cappelli
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Jeff Cares
Alidade |
Glenn Carroll
Stanford University |
Bhaskar Chakravorti
Tufts University |
Richard B. Chase
University of Southern California |
Fangruo Chen
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China |
Bruce Chew
Monitor Deloitte |
Sunil Chopra
Northwestern University, USA |
Vidyanand Choudhary
University of California, Irvine, USA |
Bhagwan Chowdhry
Indian School of Business, India |
Eric Clemons
The Wharton School |
Maxime Cohen
McGill University |
Morris Cohen
The Wharton School |
David Collis
Harvard University |
Charles Corbett
Stephanie Creary
The Wharton School |
David De Cremer
National University of Singapore |
Tugrul Daim
Portland State University |
Murray Dalziel
University of Baltimore, USA |
Tom Davenport
Babson College, USA |
George Day
The Wharton School |
Nicole DeHoratius
University of Chicago |
Marnik Dekimpe
Tilburg University & KU Leuven |
Brian Denton
University of Michigan |
Preyas Desai
Duke University, USA |
Robin Dillon-Merrill
Georgetown University, USA |
Yu Ding
Texas A&M University, USA |
Alexandre Dolgui
IMT Atlantique |
Matthew Drake
Duquesne University, USA |
Jean-Pierre Dubé
University of Chicago , USA |
Robert Eccles
Oxford University, UK |
Andreas Eisingerich
Imperial College London, UK |
Omar El Sawy
University of Southern California, USA |
Jehoshua Eliasbergh
The Wharton School, USA |
Richard Ettenson
Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA |
Paul W. Farris
University of Virginia |
Ken Favaro
act2 |
Fred Feinberg
University of Michigan, USA |
Kasra Ferdows
Georgetown University, USA |
John de Figueiredo
Duke University, USA |
Charles Fine
Baruch Fischhoff
Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Stewart Friedman
The Wharton School, USA |
Alfonso Gambardella
Bocconi University, Milan, Italy |
Giovanni Gavetti
Dartmouth College, USA |
Annabelle Gawer
University of Surrey, UK |
Mary Gentile
University of Virginia , USA |
Gerry George
Georgetown University, USA |
Stanley Gershwin
Pankaj Ghemawat
New York University, US |
Anindya Ghose
New York University, US |
Ranjan Ghosh
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India |
Itay Goldstein
The Wharton School, USA |
Mark Gottfredson
Bain & Co., USA |
Vijay Govindarajan
Dartmouth College, USA |
Linda Green
Columbia University, USA |
Dhruv Grewal
Babson College, USA |
Rajdeep Grewal
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA |
Yael Grushka-Cockayne
University of Virginia , USA |
Alok Gupta
University of Minnesota USA |
Sushil K. Gupta
Florida International University, USA |
Stefan Haefliger
City University of London, UK |
Andrei Hagiu
Boston University, USA |
Nicholas Hall
Ohio State University, USA |
Gary Hamel
London Business School, UK |
Warren Hausman
Stanford University, USA |
Constance Helfat
Dartmouth College, USA |
Ola Henfridsson
University of Miami, USA |
Eric von Hippel
Teck-Hua Ho
National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Andrew Hoffman
University of Michigan, US |
kartik Hosanagar
The Wharton School, USA |
Arnd Huchzermeier
WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany |
Salal Humair
Amazon, USA |
Mark Huselid
Northeastern University |
J. Jeffrey Inman
University of Pittsburgh , USA |
Ravi Jagannathan
Northwestern University, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice |
Anjani Jain
Yale University, USA |
Dipak Jain
China Europe International Business School |
Karuna Jain
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay |
Mansour Javidan
Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA |
Nicole T. Jenkins
University of Virginia , USA |
Nitin Joglekar
Boston University, USA |
M. Eric Johnson
Vanderbilt University, USA |
Ajit Kambil
Deloitte |
Karthik Kannan
University of Arizona, USA |
P.K. Kannan
University of Maryland, USA |
Uday Karmarkar
University of California , Los Angeles, USA |
Andrew Karolyi
Cornell University, USA |
Sunder Kekre
Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Kevin L. Keller
Dartmouth College, USA |
L.Robin Keller
University of California, Irvine, USA |
Pinar Keskinocak
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Mikko Ketokivi
IE Business School, Spain |
Wolf Ketter
Erasmus University, Netherlands |
Adam M Kleinbaum
Dartmouth College, USA |
Art Kleiner
Wise Advocate Enterprises and New York University |
Prabhudev Konana
University of Maryland, US |
Praveen Kopalle
Dartmouth College, USA |
Ramayya Krishnan
Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Nirmalya Kumar
Singapore Management University, Singapore |
Rajiv Kumar
Microsoft India |
V. Kumar
Brock University, USA |
Howard Kunreuther
The Wharton School, USA |
Eva Labro
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA |
Mary Lacity
University of Arkansas, USA |
Karim Lakhani
Harvard University, USA |
Hau Lee
Stanford University, USA |
Josh Lerner
Harvard University, USA |
Baruch Lev
New York University, US, USA |
Arie Lewin
Duke University, USA |
Marianne Lewis
University of Cincinnati, USA |
Igor Linkov
US Army Engineer Research and Development Center |
Christoph Loch
University of Cambridge, UK |
Yadong Luo
University of Cambridge, UK |
Kalle Lyytinen
Case Western Reserve University, USA |
Steven M. Miller
Singapore Management University - Singapore |
John P. MacDuffie
The Wharton School, USA |
José A. Machuca
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain |
Costis Maglaras
Columbia University,USA |
Joseph Mahoney
University of Illinois, USA |
Ann Majchrzak
University of Southern California, USA |
Manoj Malhotra
Case Western Reserve University, USA |
Roger Martin
University of Toronto, ON Canada |
Carl Mela
Duke University, USA |
Jan Van Mieghem
Northwestern University, USA |
Philip Mirvis
Global Network on Corporate Citizenship |
Sunil Mithas
University of South Florida, USA |
Vikas Mittal
Rice University, USA |
Antonio (Toni) Moreno
Harvard University, USA |
Kara M. Morgan
Ohio State University, USA |
Ram Mudambi
Temple University, USA |
John Mullins
London Business School, UK |
Haig Nalbantian
Mercer |
Satish Nambisan
Case Western Reserve University, USA |
Paul Nunes
Accenture |
Vijay Padaki
The P&P Group |
Margherita Pagani
SKEMA Business School, Paris |
Mukul Pandya
University of Oxford, UK |
Geoffrey Parker
Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire, United States) |
Elisabeth Paté-Cornel
Stanford University, USA |
Koen Pauwels
Northeastern University, USA |
John Pearce
Villanova University USA |
Christine Pearson
Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA |
Maury Peiperl
George Mason University, USA |
Georgia Perakis
Dino Petrarolo
Competitive Capabilities International |
Michael Pinado
New York University, USA |
Gary Pisano
Harvard University, USA |
David Pyke
University of San Diego, USA |
John R. Roberts
University of New South Wales, Australia |
Arun Rai
Georgia State University, USA |
Shivaram Rajgopal
Columbia University, USA |
Ananth Raman
Harvard University, USA |
K.V. Ramanathan
University of Washington , USA |
M.Rammohan Rao
Indian School of Business, India |
Michael Raynor
Monitor Deloitte |
Stefan Reichelstein
Stanford University, USA |
Werner Reinartz
University of Cologne, Germany |
Ortwin Renn
University of Stuttgart, Germany |
Deryck van Rensburg
Pepperdine University, USA |
Bert De Reyck
Singapore Management University |
Qin Rongsheng
Beijing National Accounting Institute |
Johan Roos
Hult International Business School, UK |
Aleda Roth
Clemson University , USA |
Roland Rust
University of Maryland, USA |
Hernan Saenz
Bain & Company and Cornell University |
Garth Saloner
Stanford University, USA |
Amy Salzhauer
Vallabh Sambamurthy
University of Wisconsin |
Nada Sanders
Northeastern University, USA |
Joseph Sarkis
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA |
Sargei Savin
The Wharton School, USA |
Mohanbir Sawhney
Northwestern University, USA |
Alan Scheller-Wolf
Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Glen Schmidt
University of Utah, USA |
Paul J.H. Schoemaker
The Wharton School, USA |
Abraham Seidmann
University of Rochester, USA |
Sridhar Seshadri
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA |
Suresh Sethi
University of Texas at Dallas, USA |
J.George Shanthikumar
Purdue University, USA |
Jason Shaw
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Yossi Sheffi
Max Shen
University of California, Berkeley, USA |
D.V.R Shesadri
Indian School of Business (ISB), India |
Jagdish Sheth
Emory University, USA |
Anil Shivdasani
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
David Simchi-Levi
Jagmohan Singh Raju
The Wharton School, USA |
Kingshuk Sinha
University of Minnesota USA |
J.Cole Smith
Syracuse University, USA |
N.Craig Smith
Edward A. Snyder
Yale University, USA |
Deepak Somaya
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Ron Soonieus
Boston Consulting Group and INSEAD |
Olav Sorenson
Chester Spatt
Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Mark Spearman
Strategic Project Solutions, Inc., USA |
Karen Spens
Hanken School of Economics, Finland |
James Spohrer
E.S. Srinivas
Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India |
Kannan Srinivasan
Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Rajendra Srivastava
Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India |
Bradley Staats
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA |
Christian Stadler
University of Warwick, UK |
Martin K. Starr
Rollins College and Columbia University, USA |
Jan-Benedict Steenkamp
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA |
Fabian J. Sting
University of Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Donald Sull
Jayashankar Swaminathan
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA |
Chris Tang
Sridhar Tayur
Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Douglas Thomas
University of Southern California, USA |
Stefan Thomke
Harvard University, USA |
Manoj Kumar Tiwari
IIM Mumbai, India |
Brian Tomlin
Dartmouth College, USA |
Suzanne de Treville
University of Lausanne, Switzerland |
Alex Triantis
Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Michael Trick
Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
David Ulrich
University of Michigan, USA |
Gregory Unruh
George Mason University, USA |
Asoo Vakharia
University of Florida, USA |
Andrew Van de Ven
University of Minnesota, USA |
Luk Van Wassenhove
INSEAD, France |
Rohit Verma
Cornell University, USA |
J. Miguel Villas-Boas
University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Ivo Welch
George Westerman
Seungjin Whang
Stanford University, USA |
Andrew B. Whinston
University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Jerry Yoram Wind
The Wharton School, USA |
Patrick Wright
University of South Carolina, USA |
George Wu
University of Chicago, USA |
Houmin Yan
City University of Hong Kong, China |
Deborah Yao
AI Business |
Dennis Yao
Harvard University, USA |
George S. Yip
Imperial College London, UK |
S. David Young
INSEAD, France |
Fuqiang Zhang
Washington University in St. Louis, USA |
Xiande Zhao
China Europe International Business School, China |
Feng Zhu
Harvard University, USA |
Jerry Zimmerman
University of Rochester, USA |