No Bullying Starts Today
A Resource Book For Preventive Work
- George Robinson - Publisher, trainer and writer, Bristol
- Jane Sleigh
- Barbara Maines - Publisher, trainer and writer, Bristol
Other Titles in:
Anti-Bullying Strategies
Anti-Bullying Strategies
January 1995 | 48 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Since 1990 we have joined many schools to help them organise anti-bullying days for pupils. This publication is a collection of activities, processes and programmes that have been put together to help schools organize either a single awareness day or a series of shorter workshop sessions for pupils, which include:
" practical aspects of anti-bullying work
" ideas for whole-school keynote sessions
" facilitators' instructions for group activities
" copiable worksheets and overhead foils.
The programmes are suitable for secondary and upper primary use. They provide an excellent project for primary/secondary liaison based around Year 6 and 7 joint work during the summer term.