Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization
- David Coghlan - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
With an encouraging and approachable tone, David is the perfect mentor for anyone conducting action research in their own organization. Calming nerves at the same time as building confidence, he helps readers devise an appropriate research design that anticipates possible challenges and fits within the limits of their environments.
A complete do-it-yourself toolkit for every step of the action research process, this edition is outfitted with:
- Real-world student and professional case studies
- Author video tips
- Annotated templates
- Progress checklists
- Journal articles, weblinks, and other further reading.
To the point without losing clarity or thoroughness, this book is the hands-on manual for all the need-to-know facts about understanding and undertaking insider action research.
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Clear and engaging, this updated and enhanced edition is essential reading for anyone interested in insider action research. It provides a comprehensive guide to the processes and challenges of action research, as well as helpful reflective exercises and recommended resources. I would highly recommend to students, novice researchers and academic supervisors of all disciplines.
This seminal text about insider action research will guide and inspire readers through content, exercises and compelling practical examples. David writes with high integrity as he personifies how to be attentive, humble and responsible when inquiring with people into the organizational dynamics they want to change.
Grounded in research and thoughtful reflection, David Coghlan’s fifth edition of Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization offers an accessible new structure, and conceptual illustrations provide highly useful guidance that is well-tailored to the student’s own learning journey.
The book is life-changing for me as a management practitioner and academic researcher. It has led me to acquire the habit of reflection and consequently, depth in my analysis and practice. No other book could have guided me in this manner.
A book that recognises and values the way people engaging in insider action research put their ‘heart and soul’ into the endeavour. It
speaks to the heart, whilst also providing insights into how best to use ‘our heads and hands’ as insider action researchers.
As part of the programme EMBA students undertake a change project that entails making a 'change' in their organisation and analysing results. We formulate the project as Action Research, hence the book is much to the point and used to support their methodology.
Excellent text for those undertaking research in their own organisation. Also, information related to research in general is very beneficial and worded clearly.
Theory and practice of action research. Good guideline for students to get back to when doing their action research.
This is the most comprehensive book on action learning in organisations and sound resource for students to understand how to embed action learning processes in their practice.