Quantum Economics and Finance
Sage is proud to publish Quantum Economics and Finance (QEF) in collaboration with the Centre for Quantum Social and Cognitive Science (CQSCS). QEF is a single-blind peer-reviewed journal and aims to become the premier research forum for presenting and debating results from the interface between quantum methods and economics. The journal will cover a variety of areas of interest such as
- quantum computational/algorithmic aspects in finance
- applications of the quantum formalism to derivative pricing and financial economics
- economic decision making
The journal will publish original research from both academia and practice. Work drawing on other branches of quantum social science, such as quantum cognition or quantum game theory, will be welcome, as will papers reporting on how techniques from quantum computing are changing the way we think about and model the financial system.
Please note there is no fee to publish in QEF.
Submit your manuscript today at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/qef
Quantum Economics and Finance is the first journal dedicated to the application of ideas from quantum probability to modelling the financial system. The focus is on quantum-native models which treat the economy as a quantum system in its own right, with its own version of quantum properties such as uncertainty, superposition, interference, and entanglement.
QEF is targeted at scholars and practitioners who are working with or wish to explore quantum approaches to economics and finance. Typical papers published recently in this field include ones discussing models of economic decision-making which account for interference between opposing concepts or beliefs; models of group dynamics or interaction which include the effect of entanglement between agents; models of stock markets which treat price as the measurement of a complex wave function; or models which use quantum probability to price financial options.
The main aim of the journal is not to explore quantum properties for their own sake, or attempt to link the economy with the subatomic world, but to present techniques which out-perform existing approaches at both explaining and predicting a range of economic phenomena. QEF will feature theoretical research, analysis of empirical results, and papers aimed at bringing quantum ideas into practice. The scope includes economic applications from related areas such as quantum cognition, quantum decision theory, quantum game theory, and quantum artificial intelligence. The journal will also welcome studies that involve other generalized versions of probability.
Article types will range from research articles and review papers to opinion pieces and commentaries. Book reviews will typically be solicited by the editors. The journal will also feature special issues on particular themes, and selected refereed conference proceedings. The emphasis throughout will be on providing actionable research that helps drive the adoption of quantum mathematics and quantum computing in economics and finance.
The field is interdisciplinary in nature, and the audience includes researchers and practitioners working in disciplines such as quantitative finance, quantum computing, decision theory, and economics. Papers should therefore be aimed at readers with a general science background, rather than specialists in particular fields.
Emmanuel Haven | Memorial University, Faculty of Business Administration, Canada |
David Orrell | Systems Forecasting, Canada |
Raymond Hawkins | University of Arizona, Wyant College of Optical Sciences, USA |
Itzhak Gilboa | H.E.C Paris, Department of Economics and Decision Making, France |
Peter Hammond | University of Warwick & Stanford University, Department of Economics, UK & USA |
Massimo Marinacci | Bocconi University, Decision Sciences, Italy |
Asghar Qadir | Government College University, Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, Pakistan |
Paul Wilmott | CQF Institute, UK |
Peter Bruza | Queensland University of Technology, School of Information Systems, Australia |
Esperanza Cuenca-Gomez | Multiverse Computing, Spain |
Trung Duong | Memorial University, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Canada |
Noelle Ibrahim | IBM, Toronto, Canada |
Catarina Pinto Moreira | National Science Agency, CSIRO - Data61 Unit, Australia |
Dominic Widdows | IonQ, USA |
Belal Baaquie | Helixtap Technologies, Singapore |
Mauricio Contreras G. | UMCE, Department of Physics, Chile |
Boualem Djehiche | Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics, Sweden |
Sergio Focardi | Economics and Complexity, Italy |
Matheus Grasselli | McMaster University, Department of Mathematics, Canada |
Polina Khrennikova | Universiteit Twente, Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, Financial Engineering, The Netherlands |
Diederik Aerts | Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Center Leo Apostel for Transdisciplinary Research, Belgium |
Fabio Bagarello | University of Palermo, Department of Engineering, Italy |
Jerome Busemeyer | Indiana University Bloomington, Psychological and Brain Sciences, USA |
Graciela Chichilnisky | Columbia University & Stanford University, Department of Economics and SIEPR, USA |
Acacio de Barros | San Francisco State University, Liberal Studies Program, USA |
Sergio Focardi | Economics and Complexity, Italy |
Matheus Grasselli | McMaster University, Department of Mathematics, Canada |
Andrei Khrennikov | Linnaeus University, Department of Mathematics, Sweden |
Arkady Plotnitsky | Purdue University, Literature, Theory and Cultural Studies Program, USA |
Emmanuel Pothos | City University London, Department of Psychology, UK |
Sandro Sozzo | University of Udine, Department of Humanities, Italy |
Marisa Aimee Dusseault | University of Alberta, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Canada |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.