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Key Research and Study Skills in Psychology

Key Research and Study Skills in Psychology

April 2010 | 224 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
I am happy to recommend this to my students as it covers jargon without using jargon and explains all those simple things that many academics take for granted. It also gives good examples of how to get the best from your time studying psychology from how to write good essays to the rules of writing lab reports' - Dr Jay Coogan University of East London

'I am happy to recommend this to my students as it covers jargon without using jargon and explains all those simple things that many academics take for granted. It also gives good examples of how to get the best from your time studying psychology from how to write good essays to the rules of writing lab reports.'

Dr Joy Coogan, University of East London



This book provides students with a wide range of research and study skills necessary for achieving a successful classification on a psychology degree course. It replaces the stress and fear experienced when encountering essays, reports, statistics and exams with a sense of confidence, enthusiasm and even fun.


Sieglinde McGee presents indispensable instruction, advice and tips on note making and note taking, evaluating academic literature, writing critical essays, preparing for and doing essay and MCQ exams, understanding research methods and issues associated with conducting research, writing and presenting reports and research and also some important computer skills. Examples provided will show how to score well on assignments and exams and also the sort of approach, layout, errors, omissions or answer-style that would achieve a lower grade. Practical exercises and interactive tasks are integrated throughout to clarify key points and give the students a chance to practise on their own.


This is a useful resource for students taking modules in study and research skills in psychology and an essential guide for all other students studying on psychology programmes.


Dr Sieglinde McGee is an Associate of the School of Psychology at Trinity College, Dublin, where she taught for several years.



Useful Computer Skills
Note-Making and Study Tips
Evaluating Academic Literature
Good Essay Writing
Good Writing Skills and Basic Numeracy
Doing Exams
Psychological Research Skills
Writing Reports
Presenting Your Research

'I am happy to recommend this to my students as it covers jargon without using jargon and explains all those simple things that many academics take for granted. It also gives good examples of how to get the best from your time studying psychology from how to write good essays to the rules of writing lab reports'
- Dr Jay Coogan University of East London

The book is very approachable, has some great information, and students seem to enjoy it at first glance. I had several students tell me that they had read and written in the book almost immediately upon receiving it. Even before the assigned readings were due.

Dr Cheryl Romano
psychology, Kaplan University-Davenport
April 21, 2015

I did not like the style of writing in this book. I also felt it made assumptions regarding the readers abilities i.e. it was pitched at too high a level. It was a short read - maybe too short? Not sure at what level the book is aimed and I think it suffers because of this.

Mr Eric Bates
School of Construction, Dublin Institute of Technology
November 10, 2012

nice easy to read book that may encourage students to think further...

Mrs Tracy McAteer
Department of Psychology, Oxford Brookes University
July 8, 2011

Seems to be pretty good, the author has clearly stated all the information related to Research & study skills. Most of the students are very much concerned about research skills and this will give a better understanding to them.

Mr Essa Ummar Sheriff
CMI, British Institute of Technology & E-commerce
February 22, 2011

Good comprehensive coverage of tools and the necessary skills required to achieve success.

Ms Jenni Nowlan
Westminster Business School, University of Westminster
February 5, 2011

Useful book to provide an overview of research and study skills in psychology using real examples from the field. It is good to introduce the students to a wide range of research. Especially the report writing section something the students often have difficulty with.

Ms Hayley Noakes
Academic Liaison Services, Roehampton University
October 12, 2010

Book is too basic for 3rd year students. Have however recommended it to colleague who coordinates tutorials for 1st year students.

Dr Kirsty Miller
School of Psychology, Lincoln University
September 6, 2010

This is an excellent book to recommend to university students studying psychology as it is written by a lecturer in the field and from the point of view of someone who struggled with study skills as an undergraduate.

It is clearly laid out and covers points relevant to psychology students, but in a language that other students could understand as well. Some good examples of sample essays are provided, which is what the students ask for most often. Other relevant areas covered include improving writing, critical thinking and exam preparation.

Miss Gianna De Salvo
Human and Life Sciences, Roehampton University
July 30, 2010

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter One

Chapter Two

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ISBN: 9781848600218

ISBN: 9781848600201

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