Political Theory
About This Title
Political Theory (PT), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, serves as the leading forum for the development and exchange of political ideas. Broad in scope and international in coverage, PT publishes articles on political theory from a wide range of philosophical, ideological and methodological perspectives. Articles address contemporary and historical political thought, normative and cultural theory, the history of ideas, and critical assessments of current work. The journal encourages essays that address pressing political and ethical issues or events.
Broad Scope
Political Theory serves as the leading forum for the development and exchange of political ideas. The journal is broad in scope and international in coverage, with no single affiliation or orientation. Political Theory's carefully refereed articles discuss current political problematics and cast new light on historical ones. Acknowledging the emergent nature of political thought, the journal engages both major and minor figures in and about the canon of political theory, such as: Plato, Qutb, Locke, Marx, Thoreau, Arendt, and Du Bois. A partial list of areas of study includes issues such as:
- Liberalism and neoliberalism
- Justice
- Feminism
- Ecophilosophy
- Cultural politics
- Equality
- Politics and aesthetics
- Deliberative, agonistic, and ancient democracy
- Language
- Politics
Regular Features
Political Theory brings you the latest research on political theory. Its international editorial board is dedicated to offering thought-provoking and stimulating scholarship in a variety of forms, including:
- Feature Articles
- Critical Responses
- Books in Review
- Review Essays
- Special-Topic Symposia
- Annual
- Index
Submit your manuscript today at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pt.
Political Theory is an international journal of political thought open to contributions from a wide range of methodological, philosophical, and ideological perspectives. Essays in contemporary and historical political thought, normative and cultural theory, history of ideas, and assessments of current work are welcome. The journal encourages essays that address pressing political and ethical issues or events.
Banu Bargu | University of California - Santa Cruz, USA |
Kevin Olson | University of California, Irvine, USA |
Massimiliano Tomba | University of California, Santa Cruz, USA |
Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Stefania Cotei | University of California Santa Cruz, USA |
Glen Coulthard | University of British Columbia, USA |
Juliet Hooker | Brown University, USA |
Hélène Landemore | Yale University, USA |
Pratap Bhanu Mehta | Political scientist based at Gurugram, India |
Nivedita Menon | Jawaharlal Nehru University, India |
Shalini Satkunanandan | University of California, Davis, USA |
Elizabeth Wingrove | University of Michigan, USA |
Paul Apostolidis | The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK |
Lawrie Balfour | University of Virginia, USA |
Seyla Benhabib | Yale University, USA |
Jane Bennett | Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Wendy Brown | University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Terrell Carver | University of Bristol, UK |
William E. Connolly | Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Joshua F. Dienstag | University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA |
Mary Dietz | Northwestern University, USA |
John Dryzek | University of Canberra, Australia |
John Dunn | Cambridge University, UK |
Elisabeth Ellis | University of Otago, NZ |
Roxanne L. Euben | University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Rainer Forst | Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany |
Jill Frank | Cornell University, USA |
William Galston | Brookings Institution, USA |
Michael Gillespie | Duke University, USA |
Jurgen Habermas | University of Frankfurt, Germany |
Virginia Held | City University of New York, USA |
Don Herzog | University of Michigan, USA |
Bonnie Honig | Brown University, USA |
George Kateb | Princeton University, USA |
Stephen Macedo | Princeton University, USA |
Jane Mansbridge | Harvard University, USA |
Harvey Mansfield | Harvard University, USA |
Lori Marso | Union College, USA |
Alison McQueen | Stanford University, USA |
J. Donald Moon | Wesleyan University, USA |
Anne Norton | University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Aletta Norval | Anglia Ruskin University, UK |
David Owen | University of Southampton, UK |
Anthony Pagden | University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
Davide Panagia | University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
Carole Pateman | University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
Anne Phillips | London School of Economics, UK |
J G A Pocock | Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Neil Roberts | Williams College, USA |
Melvin Rogers | Brown University, USA |
Nancy L. Rosenblum | Harvard University, USA |
Alan Ryan | Oxford University, UK |
Arlene Saxonhouse | University of Michigan, USA |
Quentin Skinner | University of London, UK |
Rogers Smith | University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Charles Taylor | McGill University, Canada |
Dennis Thompson | Harvard University, USA |
James Tully | University of Victoria, Canada |
Michael Walzer | The Institute for Advanced Study, USA |
Stephen K. White | University of Virginia, USA |
Robert Paul Wolff | University of Massachusetts, USA |
Linda Zerilli | University of Chicago, USA |