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Teaching of Psychology

Teaching of Psychology

Other Titles in:
Psychology (General)

eISSN: 15328023 | ISSN: 00986283 | Current volume: 51 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly
If you teach psychology at a high school, introductory college, or higher level, you will find something of practical use in every issue of Teaching of Psychology. This indispensable journal offers creative and hands-on articles that help you use a variety of resources (for example, technology as a teaching tool) to enhance student learning. Coverage includes research on teaching and learning; studies of teacher characteristics and student learning; reviews for class use; student, course, or teacher assessments; discussions of professional challenges; critical thinking exercises, curriculum designs, demonstrations and laboratory projects; and news. Articles also provide helpful suggestions about how to teach difficult topics, such as research methods, introductory course material, and capstone ideas.

Recent issues have included discussions of:

    • Active Learning With Power Point-Based Lectures Using Content-Based Questions
    • Computer-Based Demonstrations in Cognitive Psychology
    • Disability in Introductory Psychology Textbooks
    • Evaluating Science and Pseudoscience
    • Fostering Critical Thinking in the Introductory Course
    • Introducing Students to Psychological Research
    • Learning Objectives for Research Methods and Statistics in Practice
    • Online Discussion Assignments
    • Problem-Based Group Activities for Teaching Sensation and Perception
    • Reducing Plagiarism in an Undergraduate Course
    • Student Attitudes towards Heterosexuality and Gay Marriage
    • Teaching Experimental Method
    • Teaching Scientific Writing
    • The Undergraduate Psychology Major Curriculum
    • Workforce Readiness

This journal will be of interest to enthusiastic teachers of psychology at all levels, AP Psychology instructors, teaching assistants, and teacher educators.

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Psychology courses are among the most popular classes on college campuses and a rapidly growing addition to high school curriculums. Teaching of Psychology (ToP) is devoted to improving the teaching and learning processes in psychology at all educational levels, from high school through undergraduate- and graduate-level. ToP is indispensable as a source book for teaching methods and as a forum for new ideas. Dedicated to improving the learning and teaching process at all educational levels, this journal has established itself as a leading source of information and inspiration for all who teach psychology. Coverage includes empirical research on teaching and learning; studies of teacher or student characteristics; subject matter or content reviews for class use; investigations of student, course, or teacher assessment; professional problems of teachers; essays on teaching; innovative course descriptions and evaluations; curriculum designs; bibliographic material; demonstrations and laboratory projects; and news items.

Founding Editor
Editor Emeritus
Aaron S. Richmond Metropolitan State University of Denver
Associate Editors
Guy A. Boysen McKendree University
Julie Koch University of Iowa
Jennifer McCabe Goucher College
Obituary Editor
William D. Woody University of Northern Colorado, USA
Consulting Editors
Charles I. Abramson Oklahoma State University, USA
President-Elect, Stephanie Afful Lindenwood University (2023)
Tara L. R. Beziat Auburn University at Montgomery (2025)
Karen Brakke Spellman University (2023), Historically Black College and University Representative
Stephanie Byers Oregon State University
Jessica Cerniak The Chicago School (2026)
Nora Dunbar Northern Arizona University (2025)
Ordene V. Edwards Kennesaw State University (2026)
Matthew Fritz University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA
Jennifer Grewe Utah State University (2024)
Ben Heddy University of Oklahoma (2025)
Julie Hill La Salle University (2024)
Kristina Howansky St. Mary’s College of Maryland (2025)
Ahmed Ibrahim Columbia University (2025)
Alison E. Kelly University of North Dakota, USA
Paul Kim Seattle Pacific University, USA
Rob McEntarffer Lincoln Public Schools (2024), High School Representative
Jasmine Mena Bucknell University (2025)
Karen Z. Naufel Georgia Southern University (2025)
Janet Peters Washington State University (2025)
Michael Philipp University of Canterbury (2026)
Manpreet Rai D’Youville University (2025)
Christina Shane-Simpson University of Wisconsin-Stout (2024)
Brian W. Stone Boise State University (2026)
Natasha Watkins Purdue University (2025)
Dominika Zofia Wojcik Unversidad de Salamanca (2026)
Vanessa Woods University of California, Santa Barbara (2026), LGBTQIA+ Representative
Richard Zamora Mount Saint Mary's University
Executive Committee of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology
Members of the Council of Representatives of the American Psychological Assn.
William S. Altman SUNY - Broome Community College, USA
Jodie B. Ullman California State University – San Bernardino
Linda M. Woolf Webster University
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