Parish Nursing
Promoting Whole Person Health within Faith Communities
- Phyllis Ann Solari-Twadell - International Parish Nurse Resource Centre, Park Ridge, Illinois
- Mary Ann McDermott - Loyola University, Chicago, IL, USA, Loyola University, Chicago, USA
Community / Public Health Nursing
Parish Nursing should find interested readers among scholars, students, and advanced practitioners in community and public health nursing. While the book had its initial roots in the Lutheran General Care System, it is a useful reference for nurses of all faiths.
"The major strengths of this book are a comprehensive compilation of chapters that address the developing practice of parish nursing; a useful guide that includes tools, experiences, and some research findings for the beginning, as well as the experienced parish nurse; chapters that focus on models of practice and diversity in the practice setting; and innovations that are unique to this specialty area. . . . I will purchase this book and request that our library order it. I will adopt it for my elective course in parish nursing and recommend it to students, faculty, and others who consult with me about this practice."