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Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

eISSN: 15527433 | ISSN: 01461672 | Current volume: 51 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Monthly

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin offers an international forum for the rapid dissemination of original empirical papers in all areas of personality and social psychology. The journal is published monthly - so you'll receive over 120 of the best articles each and every year.

Debate and Controversy
Each issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin brings you challenging articles that stimulate dialogue and reflect the many schools of thought now active in the field. At the forefront of new developments, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin reports research as it occurs. In fact, PSPB's innovative articles often provide the first accounts of research breakthroughs.

Contemporary Topics
In Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, you'll find articles by distinguished scholars on a variety of contemporary topics. Examples include attitudes and attitude changes, close relationships, gender and age stereotypes, group processes, intergroup relations, interpersonal attraction, morality, political action, prejudice, self-concept, social influence, and values.

Visit SPSP's journal homepage for additional information.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

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The Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin is an official journal for the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. The journal is an international outlet for original empirical papers in all areas of personality and social psychology.

Yuen J. Huo University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Michael W. Kraus Northwestern University, USA
Emre Selcuk Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
Gregory D. Webster University of Florida, USA
Associate Editors
Paulo Boggio Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil
William J. Chopik Michigan State University, USA
Brian W. Haas University of Georgia, USA
Nicholas S. Holtzman Southeastern Louisiana University, USA
Keiko Ishii Nagoya University, Japan
Tonglin Jiang Peking University, China
India R. Johnson Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA
Konstantinos Kafetsios Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Hemant Kakkar Indian School of Business, India
Namkje Koudenburg University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Sumaya Laher University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Veronica M. Lamarche University of Essex, UK
Justin F. Landy Nova Southeastern University, USA
Sean M. Laurent Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA
Peter Mende-Siedlecki University of Delaware, USA
Thuy-vy T. Nguyen Durham University, UK
Efrén Pérez University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Sylvia P. Perry Northwestern University, USA
Michael J. Poulin University at Buffalo, USA
Kate A. Ratliff University of Florida, USA
Jessica Remedios Tufts University, USA
Radoslaw Rogoza University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Poland
Bastiaan T. Rutjens University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Carrie Veronica Smith University of Mississippi, USA
Larisa Heiphetz Solomon Columbia University, USA
Consulting Editors
Sinan Alper Yasar University, Turkey
Ximena Arriaga Purdue University, USA
Mohammad Atari University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Olivia E. Atherton University of California Riverside, USA
Jordan R. Axt McGill University, Canada
Christopher T. Begeny University of Exeter, UK
Hilary B. Bergsieker University of Waterloo, Canada
Vanessa Bohns Cornell University, USA
Mark J. Brandt Michigan State University, USA
Jazmin L. Brown-Iannuzzi University of Virginia, USA
Belinda Campos University of California, Irvine, USA
Shereen J. Chaudhry The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, USA
David S. Chester Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Felix Cheung University of Toronto, Canada
Joanne M. Chung University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada
Corey L. Cook Pacific Lutheran University, USA
Olivier Corneille UCLouvain, Belgium
Felix Danbold University College London, UK
Rolando Diaz-Loving Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Cydney H. Dupree University College London, UK
Paul W. Eastwick University of California-Davis, USA
Amanda L. Forest University of Pittsburgh, USA
Stephanie A. Fryberg Northwestern University, USA
Randi L. Garcia Smith College, USA
Jochen E. Gebauer University of Mannheim & University of Copenhagen, Germany & Denmark
Roberto Gonzalez Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile
Nicholas A. Hays Michigan State University, USA
Eric Hehman McGill University, Canada
Erin P. Hennes University of Missouri, USA
Arnold K. Ho University of Michigan, USA
Sa-kiera T. J. Hudson University of California, Berkeley, USA
Morgan C. Jerald University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Samantha Joel Western University, USA
Cheryl R. Kaiser University of Washington, USA
Yoshihisa Kashima The University of Melbourne, Australia
Franki Y. H. Kung Purdue University, USA
Jonas R. Kunst BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Jens Lange HMU Health and Medical University Erfurt, Germany
Kristin Laurin University of British Columbia, Canada
Laura V. Machia Syracuse University, USA
Ruth Mayo The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
James K. McNulty Florida State University, USA
Yuri Miyamoto Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Amanda K. Montoya University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Dominique Muller University Grenoble Alpes, France
Marcus Mund University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Jinkyung Na Sogang University, South Korea
Lisa A. Neff The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Pegah Nejat Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
Masi Noor Keele Unviersity, UK
Danny Osborne The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Annabella Opare-Henaku University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
Nickola C. Overall University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau, New Zealand
L. Taylor Phillips New York University, USA
Evava S. Pietri University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Evan Polman University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Devon Proudfoot Cornell University, USA
Jennifer A. Richeson Yale University, USA
Kimberly Rios University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, USA
Michael D. Robinson North Dakota State University, USA
Lindsey M. Rodriguez University of Florida, USA
Rosa Rodriguez-Bailon University of Granada, Spain
Julian M. Rucker The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Cristina E. Salvador Duke University, USA
Pablo Sayans-Jiménez University of Almería, Spain
Thomas Schlösser South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Nikhil K. Sengupta University of Kent, UK
Balbir Singh Mount Holyoke College, USA
Ramadhar Singh Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India
Richard B. Slatcher University of Georgia, USA
Jessie Sun Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Vivian P. Ta-Johnson University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Jacinth J. X. Tan Singapore Management University, Singapore
Kenneth Tan Singapore Management University, Singapore
Katherine R. Thorson Barnard College, USA
Michael Trujillo Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Xijing Wang City University of Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong SAR
Clara L. Wilkins University of Washington , USA
Leigh Solano Wilton Skidmore College, USA
Kumar Yogeeswaran University of Canterbury, New Zealand
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