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Psychology and Developing Societies

Psychology and Developing Societies

eISSN: 09730761 | ISSN: 09713336 | Current volume: 36 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Bi-annually

Get a better perspective on the role of psychology in the developing world in Psychology and Developing Societies. This unique journal features a common platform for debate by psychologists from various parts of the world; articles based on alternate paradigms, indigenous concepts, and relevant methods for social policies in developing societies; and the unique socio-cultural and historical experiences of developing countries compared to Euro-American societies.

Electronic Access:
Psychology & Developing Societies is available electronically on SAGE Journals Online at

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Psychology and Developing Societies provides a forum for psychologists from different parts of the world who are concerned with the problems of developing societies. The peer reviewed journal welcomes theoretical, empirical and review papers in different areas of psychology. Articles reflecting the unique sociocultural and historical experience of developing countries, which are different from those of Euro-American societies are also encouraged. Furthermore, the journal welcomes papers based on alternative paradigms, indigenous concepts and methods which have relevance for social policy in these societies.

Chief Editor
Neena Kohli University of Allahabad, India
Chandranshu Sinha University of Allahabad, India
Associate Editors
Sandip Anand University of Allahabad, India
Sanjay Kumar University of Allahabad, India
Assistant Editor
Shanti Suman University of Allahabad, India
Board of Editors
Arvind Kumar Mishra Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Jyotsna Kalavar Penn State University (New Kensington Campus), USA
Roomana Siddiqui Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
Rosnah Ismail University of Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Uichol Kim Inha University Michuholgu, Korea
Yung-Jong Shiah National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Consulting Editors
Allan B I Bernardo De La Salle University, Manilla, Philippines
Girishwar Misra University of Delhi, India
Jaan Valsiner Aalborg Universitet, Denmark
John W Berry Queen's University, Canada
Kiran Kumar Salagame University of Mysore, India
Márta Fülöp Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Nick Hopkins University of Dundee, Nethergate, Dundee, United Kingdom
Purnima Singh Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
Rajen K Gupta Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India
Ramadhar Singh Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India
Editorial Assistant
Sarabjeet Kaur Chawla University of Allahabad, India
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  • Psychology and Developing Societies

    This Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics

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    1. What do we publish?
    1.1 Aims & Scope
    1.2 Article types
    1.3 Writing your paper

    2. Editorial policies
    2.1 Peer review policy
    2.2 Authorship
    2.3 Acknowledgements
    2.4 Funding
    2.5 Declaration of conflicting interests
    2.6 Research data

    3. Publishing policies
    3.1 Publication ethics
    3.2 Contributor’s publishing agreement
    3.3 Open access and author archiving

    4. Preparing your manuscript
    4.1 Formatting 
    4.2 Artwork, figures and other graphics
    4.3 Supplemental material
    4.4 Reference style

    5. Submitting your manuscript
    5.1 Information required for completing your submission
    5.2 Permissions

    6. On acceptance and publication
    6.1 Sage Production
    6.2 Online First publication
    6.3 Access to your published article
    6.4 Promoting your article

    7. Further information

    1. What do we publish?

    1.1 Aims & Scope

    Before submitting your manuscript to Psychology and Developing Societies, please ensure you have read the ‘Aims & Scope’ of the journal.

    1.2 Article types

    There could be three to five sections in the journal, though two sections remain unchanged.

    Unchanged Sections

    • Research Articles: only the research articles are refereed.
    • Book Reviews: vary from number to number invariably guided by limits to the size of the manuscript

    Changed Sections

    • Communication/Discussion
    • Review Article

    Full-fledged papers may be of approximately 6,000 words including references. Brief write-ups of 1,000 to 2,500 words may also be sent; these will be considered for inclusion in other sections.

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    •  The reviewer is based at the same institution as any of the co-authors

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    Please supply any personal acknowledgements separately to the main text to facilitate anonymous peer review.

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    2.4 Funding

    Psychology and Developing Societies requires all authors to acknowledge their funding in a consistent fashion under a separate heading. Please visit the Funding Acknowledgements page on the Sage Journal Author Gateway to confirm the format of the acknowledgment text in the event of funding, or state that: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

    2.5 Declaration of conflicting interests

    Psychology and Developing Societies encourages authors to include a declaration of any conflicting interests and recommends you review the good practice guidelines on the Sage Journal Author Gateway

    Please ensure that a ‘Declaration of Conflicting Interests’ statement is included at the end of your manuscript, after any acknowledgements and prior to the references. If no conflict exists, please state that ‘The Author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest’. 

    2.6 Research data

    At Sage we are committed to facilitating openness, transparency and reproducibility of research. Where relevant, Psychology and Developing Societies encourages authors to share their research data in a suitable public repository subject to ethical considerations and where data is included, to add a data accessibility statement in their manuscript file. Authors should also follow data citation principles. For more information please visit the Sage Author Gateway, which includes information about Sage’s partnership with the data repository Figshare.

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    Sage is committed to upholding the integrity of the academic record. We encourage authors to refer to the Committee on Publication Ethics’ International Standards for Authors and view the Publication Ethics page on the Sage Author Gateway.

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    If material has been previously published it is not generally acceptable for publication in a Sage journal. However, there are certain circumstances where previously published material can be considered for publication. Please refer to the guidance on the Sage Author Gateway or if in doubt, contact the Editor at the address given below.

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    3.3 Open access and author archiving

    Psychology and Developing Societies offers optional open access publishing via the Sage Choice programme and Open Access agreements, where authors can publish open access either discounted or free of charge depending on the agreement with Sage. Find out if your institution is participating by visiting Open Access Agreements at Sage. For more information on Open Access publishing options at Sage please visit Sage Open Access. For information on funding body compliance, and depositing your article in repositories, please visit Sage’s Author Archiving and Re-Use Guidelines and Publishing Policies.

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    4. Preparing your manuscript for submission

    4.1 Formatting

    The preferred format for your manuscript is Word. LaTeX files are also accepted. A LaTex template is available on the Manuscript Submission Guidelines page of our Author Gateway.

    The manuscript should be structured as follows:

    • Cover page, showing title of the paper, name of author, author’s affiliation and institutional address with pin code, email id and a 150–200-word abstract. In case there are two or more authors, then corresponding author’s name and address details must be clearly specified on the first page itself.
    • The contributors should provide 4–6 keywords for online searchability.
    • Text should start on a new page, and must not contain the names of authors.
    • References should come at the end of the manuscript. Important note: There is no limit on the number of references allowed.
    • Please Note: For each text citation there must be a corresponding citation in the reference list and for each reference list citation there must be a corresponding text citation.
    • Tables and figures should be provided in editable format and should be referred to in the text by number separately (e.g., Table 1) not by placement (e.g., see Table below).
    • Please Note: All figures and tables should be cited in the text and should have the source (a specific URL, a reference or, if it is author’s own work, ‘The author(s)’) mentioned irrespective of whether or not they require permissions.
    • Figures, including maps, graphs and drawings, should not be larger than page size. They should be numbered and arranged as per their references in the text. All photographs and scanned images should have a resolution of minimum 300 dpi and 1,500 pixels and their format should be TIFF or JPEG. Permissions to reprint should be obtained for copyright protected photographs/images.
    • Mathematical formulae, methodological details, etc. should be given separately as an appendix, unless their mention in the main body of the text becomes essential.
    • The language and spellings used should be British (UK), with ‘s’ variant, for example, globalisation instead of globalization, labour instead of labor. For non-English and uncommon words and phrases, use italics throughout the text. Meaning of non-English words should be given in parentheses just after the word when it is used for the first time.
    • Articles should use non-sexist and non-racist language.
    • Spell out numbers from one to nine, 10 and above to remain in figures. However, for exact measurement (e.g., China’s GDP growth rate 9.8 per cent) use numbers. Very large round numbers, especially sums of money, may be expressed by a mixture of numerals and spelled-out numbers (India’s population 1.2 billion).
    • Single quotes should be used throughout. Double quote marks are to be used within single quotes. Spellings of words in quotations should not be changed. Quotations of 45 words or more should be separated from the text.
    • Notes should be numbered serially and presented at the end of the article. Notes must contain more than a mere reference. However, mere URLs may be incorporated in the endnotes.
    • Use ‘per cent’ instead of % in the text. In tables, graphs, etc., % can be used. Use ‘20th century’, ‘the 1990s’.
    • Number ranges should not be truncated, for example, 2017–2018.
    • The initials must be separated by dots and space.
    • Abbreviations are spelled out at first occurrence. Very common ones (US, GDP, BBC) need not be spelled out.

    4.2 Artwork, figures and other graphics

    For guidance on the preparation of illustrations, pictures and graphs in electronic format, please visit Sage’s Manuscript Submission Guidelines.

    • All photographs and scanned images should have a resolution of minimum 300 dpi/1500 pixels and their format should be TIFF or JPEG.
    • Due permissions should be taken for copyright protected photographs/images. Even for photographs/images available in the public domain, it should be clearly ascertained whether or not their reproduction requires permission for purposes of publishing (which is a profit-making endeavour).
    • All photographs/scanned images should be provided separately in a folder along with the main article.

    Please Note: All figures and tables should be cited in the text and should have the source (a specific URL, a reference or, if it is author’s own work, ‘The Author’) mentioned irrespective of whether or not they require permissions.

    • Figures supplied in colour will appear in colour online regardless of whether or not these illustrations are reproduced in colour in the printed version. For specifically requested colour reproduction in print, you will receive information regarding the costs from Sage after receipt of your accepted article.

    4.3 Supplemental material

    This Journal is able to host additional materials online (e.g. datasets, podcasts, videos, images etc) alongside the full-text of the article. For more information please refer to our guidelines on submitting supplemental files.

    4.4 Reference style

    Psychology and Developing Societies adheres to the APA reference style. View the APA guidelines to ensure your manuscript conforms to this reference style.

    • References: A consolidated listing of all books, articles, essays, theses and documents referred to (including any referred to in the tables, graphs and maps) should be provided at the end of the article.
    • Arrangement of references: Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each work. In each reference, authors’ names are inverted (last name first) for all authors (first, second or subsequent ones).
    • Chronological listing: If more than one work by the same author(s) is cited, they should be listed in order by the year of publication, starting with the earliest.
    • Sentence case: In references, sentence case (only the first word and any proper noun are capitalized—e.g., ‘The software industry in India’) is to be followed for the titles of papers, books, articles, etc.
    • Title case: In references, Journal titles are put in title case (first letter of all words except articles and conjunctions are capitalized—e.g., Journal of Business Ethics).
    • Italicize: Book and Journal titles are to be italicized.

    Please Note: For each in-text citation there must be a corresponding reference in the reference list and for each reference there must be a corresponding in-text citation.

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    5. Submitting your manuscript

    Psychology and Developing Societies is hosted on Sage Track Sage, a web-based online submission and peer review system. Visit to login and submit your article online.

    5.1 Information required for completing your submission

    You will be asked to provide contact details and academic affiliations for all co-authors via the submission system and identify who is to be the corresponding author. These details must match what appears on your manuscript. The affiliation listed in the manuscript should be the institution where the research was conducted. If an author has moved to a new institution since completing the research, the new affiliation can be included in a manuscript note at the end of the paper. At this stage please ensure you have included all the required statements and declarations and uploaded any additional supplementary files (including reporting guidelines where relevant).

    5.2 Permissions

    Please also ensure that you have obtained any necessary permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. For further information including guidance on fair dealing for criticism and review, please see the Copyright and Permissions page on the Sage Author Gateway.

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    6. On acceptance and publication

    6.1 Sage Production

    Your Sage Production Editor will keep you informed as to your article’s progress throughout the production process. Proofs will be made available to the corresponding author via our editing portal Sage Edit or by email, and corrections should be made directly or notified to us promptly. Authors are reminded to check their proofs carefully to confirm that all author information, including names, affiliations, sequence and contact details are correct, and that Funding and Conflict of Interest statements, if any, are accurate.

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    Online First allows final articles (completed and approved articles awaiting assignment to a future issue) to be published online prior to their inclusion in a journal issue, which significantly reduces the lead time between submission and publication. Visit the Sage Journals help page for more details, including how to cite Online First articles.

    6.3 Access to your published article

    Sage provides authors with online access to their final article.

    6.4 Promoting your article

    Publication is not the end of the process! You can help disseminate your paper and ensure it is as widely read and cited as possible. The Sage Author Gateway has numerous resources to help you promote your work. Visit the Promote Your Article page on the Gateway for tips and advice.

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    7. Further information

    Any correspondence, queries or additional requests for information on the manuscript submission process should be sent to the Psychology and Developing Societies editorial office at the following address:

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    Institutional Backfile Purchase, E-access (Content through 1998)

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