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Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience

Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience

Published in Association with IOS Press

eISSN: 18783627 | ISSN: 09226028
This interdisciplinary journal publishes papers relating to the plasticity and response of the nervous system to accidental or experimental injuries and their interventions, transplantation, neurodegenerative disorders and experimental strategies to improve regeneration or functional recovery and rehabilitation. Experimental and clinical research papers adopting fresh conceptual approaches are encouraged. The overriding criteria for publication are novelty, significant experimental or clinical relevance and interest to a multidisciplinary audience. Experiments on un-anesthetized animals should conform with the standards for the use of laboratory animals as established by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, US National Academy of Sciences. Experiments in which paralytic agents are used must be justified. Patient identity should be concealed. All manuscripts are sent out for blind peer review to editorial board members or outside reviewers. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience is a member of Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium.

This interdisciplinary journal publishes papers relating to the plasticity and response of the nervous system to accidental or experimental injuries and their interventions, transplantation, neurodegenerative disorders and experimental strategies to improve regeneration or functional recovery and rehabilitation. Experimental and clinical research papers adopting fresh conceptual approaches are encouraged. The overriding criteria for publication are novelty, significant experimental or clinical relevance and interest to a multidisciplinary audience. Experiments on un-anesthetized animals should conform with the standards for the use of laboratory animals as established by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, US National Academy of Sciences. Experiments in which paralytic agents are used must be justified. Patient identity should be concealed. All manuscripts are sent out for blind peer review to editorial board members or outside reviewers. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience is a member of Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium.

Lechoslaw Turski German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Germany
Deputy Editors
Doychin Angelov University of Cologne, Germany
Andrea Fox Antal University Göttingen, Germany
Chandramouli Krishnan University of Michigan, USA
Editors-in-Chief Emeritus
Bernhard Sabel Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
Donald G. Stein Emory University, USA
Senior Associate Editors
William Freed NIDA, USA
Lutz Jäncke University of Zurich, Switzerland
Josef Rauschecker Georgetown University, USA
Paolo M. Rossini Catholic University of Rome, Italy
Associate Editors
Si-Nae Ahn Cheongju University, South Korea
Amir Amedi The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Chandramallika Basak University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Luca Battaglini University of Padova, Italy
Michael Borich University of British Columbia, Canada
Rocco S. Calabrò IRCCS Centro Neurolesi Bonino-Pulejo, Italy
Clara Casco University of Padova, Italy
Carmelo Chisari University Hospital of Pisa, Italy
Sylvie Chokron Université Paris-Descartes and CNRS, France
Leonardo Cohen NINDS-NIH, USA
Branch Coslett University of Pennsylvania, USA
Rima Dada All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Tanuj Dada All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Gabriel de Erausquin University of Texas Rio Grande, USA
Gary Dunbar Central Michigan University, USA
Shamali Dusane University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Ragab K. Elnaggar Cairo University, Egypt
Seth Finklestein Biotrofix, Inc., USA
Felipe Fregni Harvard Medical School, USA
Christian Gerloff University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
Alexander C.H. Geurts Radboud University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Alfredo Gorio University of Milan, Italy
Amir Hadanny Bar Ilan University, Israel
Roy Hamilton University of Pennsylvania, USA
Li He Sichuan University, China
Paco Herson Oregon Health and Science University, USA
Yong Hu The University of Hong Kong, China
Trisha Kesar Emory University, USA
Yun-Hee Kim Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, South Korea
Anthony E. Kline University of Pittsburgh, USA
Eun Kyoung Kan Kangwon National University College, South Korea
Elisabetta Ládavas University of Bologna, Italy
Teri Lawton Early Childhood Parenting Institute, USA
Shelly Levy-Tzedek Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel
Pei-Hsin Liu Tzu Chi University, Taiwan
Song Liu Capital Medical University, China
Martin Lotze University Medicine Greifswald, Germany
Niklas Marklund Lund University, Sweden
Lotfi Merabet Massachusetts Eye and Ear – Harvard Medical School, USA
Giovanni Morone IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Italy
Asok K. Mukhopadhyay All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Antonio Nardone University of Eastern Piedmont and Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri (IRCCS), Italy
Xavier Navarro University of Barcelona, Spain
Xavier E. Ndone-Ekane University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Randolph Nudo University of Kansas, USA
Souichi Ohta Kyoto University, Japan
Michihiro Osumi Kio University, Japan
Alvaro Pascual-Leone Beth Israel Hospital, USA
Cecilia Perin University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
Alessandro Picelli University of Verona, Italy
Daniele Piscitelli University of Connecticut, USA
Thomas Platz Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitat, Germany
Uri Polat Tel Aviv University, Israel
Sung-Bom Pyun Korea University College of Medicine, Korea
Julio J. Ramirez Davidson College, USA
Robert W. Regenhardt Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
Mircea A. Schoenfeld Kliniken Schmieder Heidelberg, Germany
Elena Sergeeva Harvard Medical School, USA
Mattias K. Sköld Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Kwok-Fai So University of Hong Kong, China
Chiang-Soon Song Chosun University, South Korea
Cathy Stinear University of Auckland, New Zealand
Peter Tass Stanford University, USA
Edward Taub CI Therapy Research Group & Taub Therapy Clinic, USA
Solon Thanos University of Munster, Germany
Hugo Theoret Université de Montréal, Canada
Gitendra Uswatte University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Chandler L. Walker Indiana University, USA
Stephen Waxman Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Reinhard Werth Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany
Steven L. Wolf Emory University, USA
Youngkeun Woo Jeonju University, South Korea
Chuansheng Zhao China Medical University, China
Mei Zhao China Medical University, China
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