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Social Media + Society

Social Media + Society

Other Titles in:
Social Media

eISSN: 20563051 | ISSN: 20563051 | Current volume: 10 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly
  • Indexed in: Google Scholar, DOAJ, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Scopus
  • Launched in 2015
  • A broad selection of published Special Collections

Social Media + Society (SM+S) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that focuses on advancing the understanding of social media and its impact on societies past, present and future. Please see the Aims and Scope tab for further information.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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The APC for this journal is currently 1500 USD.

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Social Media + Society is an open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal that focuses on the socio-cultural, political, psychological, historical, economic, legal and policy dimensions of social media in societies past, contemporary and future. We publish interdisciplinary work that draws from the social sciences, humanities and computational social sciences, reaches out to the arts and natural sciences, and we endorse mixed methods and methodologies. The journal is open to a diversity of theoretic paradigms and methodologies.

The editorial vision of Social Media + Society draws inspiration from research on social media to outline a field of study poised to reflexively grow as social technologies evolve. We foster the open access of sharing of research on the social properties of media, as they manifest themselves through the uses people make of networked platforms past and present, digital and non.

The journal presents a collaborative, open, and shared space, dedicated exclusively to the study of social media and their implications for societies. It facilitates state-of-the-art research on cutting-edge trends and allows scholars to focus and track trends specific to this field of study.

Zizi Papacharissi University of Illinois Chicago, USA
Editorial Assistant
Viki Conner University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Editorial Board
Rasha A. Abdulla The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Crystal Abidin Curtin University, Australia
Mike Ananny University of Southern California, USA
C.W. Anderson University of Leeds, UK
Mark Andrejevic Monash University, Australia
John Banks Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Nancy Baym Microsoft Research, USA
Natalie Bazarova Cornell University, USA
Stacy Blasiola Facebook Research, USA
Leticia Bode Georgetown University, USA
Danah Boyd Microsoft Research New York City Lab, USA
Josh Braun Quinnipiac University, USA
Axel Bruns Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Taina Bucher University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Jean Burgess Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Steffen Burkhardt HAW Hamburg, Germany
Robyn Caplan Duke University, USA
Andrew Chadwick Loughborough University, UK
Dayna E. Chatman University of Oregon, USA
Hsuan-Ting Chen Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Christian Christensen Stockholm University, Sweden
Donna Chu Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Lynn Schofield Clark University of Denver, USA
Meredith Clark Northeastern University, USA
Mark Coddington Washington and Lee University, USA
Mia Consalvo Concordia University, Canada
Nick Couldry London School of Economics, UK
Cedric Courtois Ghent University, Belgium
Kate Crawford Microsoft Research New York, USA
Lincoln Dahlberg Independent Scholar
Mark Deuze University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
David Domingo Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Judith Donath Harvard University, USA
Paul Dourish University of California-Irvine, USA
Kevin Driscoll Microsoft Research, USA
Nicole Ellison University of Michigan, USA
Greg Elmer Ryerson University, Canada
Gunn Enli University of Oslo, Norway
Jason Farman University of Maryland, USA
Natalie Fenton Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Jan Fernback Temple University, USA
Terry Flew University of Sydney, Australia
Brooke Foucault Welles Northeastern University, USA
Deen Freelon University of North Carolina, USA
Robert W. Gehl University of Utah, USA
Darren Gergle Northwestern University, USA
Ilana Gershon Rice University, USA
Homero Gil de Zúñiga University of Salamanca, Spain & Pennsylvania State University, USA
Tarleton Gillespie Microsoft, USA
Kishonna Gray University of Michigan, USA
Mary L. Gray Microsoft Research New England, USA and Indiana University, USA
Melissa Gregg Intel Corporation, USA
Jeffrey T. Hancock Stanford University, USA
Eszter Hargittai University of Zurich, Switzerland
Jannie Møller Hartley Roskilde University, Denmark
Kaori Hayashi Unviersity of Tokyo, Japan
Rasmus Helles University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Alfred Hermida University of British Columbia, Canada
Larissa Hjorth RMIT University, Australia
Bernie Hogan University of Oxford, Oxford Internet Institute, UK
Heather Horst University of Sydney, Australia
Philip E. N. Howard Oxford Internet Institute, UK
Lee Humphreys Cornell University, USA
Muzammil Hussain University of Michigan, USA
Laura Iannelli University of Sassari, Italy
Sarah Jackson University of Pennsylvania, USA
Jenna Jacobson Ryerson University, Canada
Klaus Bruhn Jensen University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Steve Jones University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Tim Jordan University College London, UK
Athina Karatzogianni University of Leeds, UK
Dave Karpf George Washington University, USA
Anastasia Kavada University of Westminster
Aphra Kerr National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland
Daniel Kreiss University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Cliff Lampe University of Michigan, USA
Airi Lampinen Stockholm University, Sweden
Ganaele Langlois York University, Canada
Anders O. Larsson Kristiania University College, Norway
Tama Leaver Curtin University, Australia
Louis W. Leung Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Seth C. Lewis University of Oregon, USA
Ben Light Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Sun Sun Lim Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Sonia Livingstone London School of Economics and Political Science
Stine Lomborg University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Mirca Madianou Goldsmiths University of London, England, UK
Alice E. Marwick University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Alice Mattoni University of Bologna, Italy
Eva Mayerhöffer Roskilde University, Denmark
Graham Meikle University of Westminster
Sharon Meraz The University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Hallvard Moe University of Bergen, Norway
Andrés Monroy-Hernández University of Washington and FUSE, Microsoft Research, USA
Lisa Nakamura University of Michigan, USA
Gina Neff University of Oxford, UK
Jeff Niederdeppe Cornell University, USA
Rasmus K. Nielsen Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford, UK
Safiya Noble University of California Los Angeles, USA
Casey O’ Donnell Michigan State University, USA
Taylor Owen Columbia University, USA
Susanna Paasonen University of Turku, Finland
Stylianos Papathanassopoulos National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Han Woo Park Yeungnam University, South Korea
Katy Pearce University of Washington, USA
Whitney Phillips Syracuse University, USA
Thomas Poell University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hector Postigo Temple University, USA
Matthew Powers University of Washington, USA
Jack Qiu National University of Singapore, Singapore
Raquel Recuero Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil
Ronald E. Rice University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Sarah Roberts UCLA, USA
Richard A. Rogers University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Christian Sandvig University of Michigan, USA
Yoonmo Sang Yonsei University, South Korea
Theresa Senft New York University, USA
Leslie Shade University of Toronto, Canada
Nishant Shah Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University, Lueneburg, Germany
Aaron Shaw Northwestern University, USA
Tamara Shepherd Ryerson University, Canada
Limor Shifman The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Irina Shklovski University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Andra Siibak University of Tartu, Estonia
Sam Srauy Oakland University, USA
Catherine Knight Steele University of Maryland - College Park, USA
Thomas Streeter University of Vermont, USA
Ted Striphas University of Colorado, USA
Lana Swartz University of Virginia, USA
T L Taylor Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Anne Mette Thorhauge University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Catalina L. Toma Univesity of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Sabine Trepte University of Hohenheim, Germany
Emiliano Treré Cardiff University, UK
Fred Turner Stanford University, USA
Nikki Usher University of San Diego, USA
Chikezie E Uzuegbunam Rhodes University, South Africa
Siva Vaidhyanathan University of Virgina, USA
Augusto Valeriani Università di Bologna, Italy
Emily van der Nagel Monash University, Australia
José van Dijck University of Utrecht, Netherlands
Farida Vis University of Sheffield, UK
Karin Wahl-Jorgensen Cardiff University, UK
Joe Walther University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Apryl Williams University of Michigan, USA
Tamara Witschge University of Groningen, Netherlands
Stephanie Wojcik Université Paris Est, France
Weiai Xu Northeastern University, USA
Guobin Yang University of Pennsylvania
Sarita Yardi University of Michigan, USA
Ethan Zuckerman MIT, USA
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences
  • Clarivate Analytics: Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  • Google Scholar: h-5 index - 11, h-5 median - 13
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.