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South Asia Research

South Asia Research

Other Titles in:
South Asia Studies

eISSN: 17413141 | ISSN: 02627280 | Current volume: 45 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: 3 Times/Year

South Asia Research is an international, multidisciplinary forum which covers the history, politics, law, economics, sociology, visual culture, languages and literature of all countries in South Asia. We publish both work of a more theoretical nature as well as detailed empirical studies by emerging and established scholars from around the world.

Founded in 1980 by young activist researchers at SOAS, University of London, the Journal now attracts a huge number of submissions and follows a rigorous double blind peer review process. Over the years, the editorial team has sought to maintain the Journal’s original focus on promoting the work of young scholars, the next generation of South Asia Area Studies specialists, now a global community with a strong diasporic presence. In the context of decolonisation and the decentring of knowledge, South Asia Research has recognised the need for promoting New Area Studies as a truly interdisciplinary arena not constrained by national boundaries. The Journal has consistently committed itself to empowering the (g)local rather than privileging global neo-colonial forces. Over the years, it has also cultivated new clusters of regional expertise and specific, newly intersecting forms of interdisciplinary scholarship. Consequently, detailed empirical studies have gained prominence, and the Journal increasingly features complex issues of socio-economic and political relevance. Activist engagement with often deeply contested new themes in the study of contemporary South Asia also motivates our collective education-centric efforts to find a viable balance between Social Sciences and Arts subjects.

The Journal constantly updates its operating procedures and has built an expansive profile, growing from two issues per year to three parts, with more pages and a lively Book Reviews section. Run by a truly interdisciplinary team of Editors and Assistant Editors, it is supported by an Editorial Committee and an International Advisory Board.

Electronic Access:
South Asia Research is available electronically on SAGE Journals Online at

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Submit your manuscripts to the Deputy Editor in charge of submissions, Dr. Anubhav Pradhan, at

South Asia Research is a peer-reviewed international, multidisciplinary forum which covers the history, politics, law, economics, sociology, visual culture, languages and literature of the countries in South Asia. It includes works of theory, review and synthesis as well as detailed empirical studies by both research students and established scholars from around the world.

Werner Menski South Asia Institute, SOAS, London, UK
D Parthasarathy Nayanta School of Public Policy, Hyderabad, India
Deputy Editors
Diotima Chattoraj Migration and Health Studies, James Cook University, Singapore
Md. Sadequle Islam Bangladesh Studies, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Kalindi Kokal (Reviews Editor) Law & Society. Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts, Pune, India
Gaurav J Pathania Sociology, Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA
Anubhav Pradhan Liberal Arts, IIT Bhilai, Raipur, India
Anirudh Tagat Economics, Monk Prayogshala, Mumbai, India
Zahoor A Wani Political Science/Afghanistan, LPU, Phagwara, India
Muneeb Yousuf International Relations, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India
Assistant Editors
Neha Adsul Health Policy, George Institute for Global Health, Mumbai, India
Ambika Aiyadurai Anthropology/Wildlife Studies, IITGN, Gandhinagar, India
Nafay Choudhury Law, Socio-Legal Studies Centre, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Goutam Karmakar Literature and Culture, NIT Durgapur, Durgapur, India
Manav Khaire Housing Policy Studies, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
Muhammad Asim Khan Applied Linguistics, NED University, Karachi, Pakistan
Vineeth Mathoor History, Changanacherry, Kerala, India
Haripriya Narasimhan Liberal Arts, Anthropology, IIT Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
Saidalavi P C Sociology, Shiv Nadar University (IoE), Delhi, India
Arshid Hussain Peer Economics/Management, Bennett University, Noida, India
Niranjana Prasad Cambridge Econometrics, Brussels, Belgium
Lloyd Price Modern South Asian History, Independent Scholar, Geoje-Si, South Korea
Shubha Ranganathan Medical Anthropology, IIT Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
Amit Ranjan International Relations/Pakistan Studies, NUS, Singapore
Serena C Rattu Public History, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
Rajnish Saryal Political Science, Panjab University RC Ludhiana, Chandigarh, India
Annapurna Sinha Communication, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Arun Som Sociology of Law, Independent Scholar, Muzaffarnagar, India
Federica Sona Law/Minorities in the West, Max-Planck-Institute, Halle, Germany
Soni Wadhwa Liberal Arts, SRM University, Andhra Pradesh, India
Editorial Committee
Qaiser Abbas Energy Economics/Development, Ghazi University, DG Khan, Pakistan
Santhosh Abraham Humanities/Social Sciences, IIT Madras, Chennai, India
Chudamani Basnet Department of Sociology, South Asian University, New Delhi, India
Uttam Deb Agricultural Economics, University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, AR, USA
Ayan Guha School of Global Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
Eswarappa Kasi Tribal Studies, IGNTU, Amarkantak, MP, India
Prashant Kidambi History, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Nida Kirmani Urban Studies, LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan
Shashikantha Koudur Humanities/Social Sciences, NITK Surathkal, Karnataka, India
Hawon Ku South Asian Art History, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
Rama K.R. Kummitha Entrepreneurship, Essex University, Southend, UK
Abhijit Mazumdar Media Studies, Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK, USA
Shobna Nijhawan Languages and Literatures, York University, Toronto, Canada
Avinash Paliwal International Relations, South Asia Institute, SOAS, London, UK
Iromi Perera Urban Studies, Colombo Urban Lab, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Saba Pirzadeh Environmental Humanities, LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan
Praveen Rai Electoral Politics, CSDS, Delhi, India
Shilpi Rajpal Social History of Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Devapriya Sanyal Department of English, St Joseph’s University, Bangalore
Annika Schmeding Anthropology of Religion, NIOD Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Kanika Sharma Law and Gender, SOAS, London, UK
Gopika Solanki Political Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Pradip Swarnakar Environmental Sociology, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India
International Advisory Board
Bina Agarwal Development Economics, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Waheeda Amien Law, Religion and Gender, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Domenico Amirante Law, Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Caserta, Italy
Padma Anagol History, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
Raziuddin Aquil History, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Fardaus Ara Public Administration, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Ishita Banerjee-Dube History, El Colegio de México, Mexico
Rohit De History, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
Faisal Devji History, St Antony’s, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
K J Gardner Anthropology/Bangladesh, LSE, London, UK
Charu Gupta Medieval and Early Modern History, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Farhat Hasan Medieval and Early Modern History, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Livia Holden Legal Anthropology, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France
Ridwanul Hoque Law, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Hiroko Ito Global Ethics, National Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Japan
Ashutosh Kumar Political Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
Chris Ogden Global Studies, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Ashok Pankaj Development Studies, Council for Social Development, New Delhi, India
Susmita Roye English/Foreign Languages, Delaware State University, Dover, USA
Tanika Sarkar School of Social Sciences, JNU, Delhi, India
Sudha Shastri Literary Studies, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
Gauri Viswanathan Comparative Literature, University of Columbia, New York, USA
Jeanne S Zaino Political Science, Iona University, New Rochelle, NY, USA
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