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Understanding Comparative Politics

Understanding Comparative Politics
An Inclusive Approach

First Edition

Other Titles in:
Comparative Politics

November 2023 | 776 pages | CQ Press
"Baglione speaks cogently to our current generation of college students, who came of age amidst resurgent racism and an unprecedented pandemic."
—Audie Klotz, Syracuse University

It’s time for a new approach to help students engage more fully with comparative politics.

By elevating all the components of identity as core elements of any political system, Lisa A. Baglione's Understanding Comparative Politics helps students better appreciate the lived realities of people around the world. The book puts issues of race, gender, ethnicity, and religion in context, encouraging students to think critically about world regions and individual countries through the lens of current issues like social justice movements and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Throughout the book, Baglione empowers students to be active learners in this sometimes-daunting subject by engaging them in important questions, grounding them in foundational concepts like geography, and helping them make personal connections.

This text is offered in Sage Vantage, an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Unparalleled in its ease of use and built for dynamic teaching and learning, Vantage offers customizable LMS integration and best-in-class support.

Watch this video walkthrough and see how Vantage works:


Chapter 1: Getting Started: Inclusivity and Building a Foundation with Concepts and Data
Chapter 2: Understanding Democracy: Definition, Institutions, Ideas, and Norms
Chapter 3: Taking a Look at Europe
Chapter 4: Politics in the U.K.: How Did British Politics Go from Staid to Unstable?
Chapter 5: Overview of Communism: Revolution, Political Institutions, Political Economy and Political Culture
Chapter 6: Taking a Look: Post-Soviet States
Chapter 7: Politics in Russia: Why Is Authoritarianism So Seemingly Stable Despite Earlier Hopes for Democratic Change?
Chapter 8: Taking a Look: East, Southeast, and South (ESEA) Asia
Chapter 9: Politics in China: How Can Such Economic Success Exist with Political Repression?
Chapter 10: Overview of the Global South: Experiences with Globalization
Chapter 11: Taking a Look at Latin America
Chapter 12: Politics in Mexico: How Can Democratization Proceed with Such Inequality, Corruption, and Violence?
Chapter 13: Taking a Look at the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Chapter 14: Politics in Egypt: Why & How the “Arab Spring” Became the Egyptian Winter
Chapter 15: Taking a Look at Sub-Saharan Africa
Chapter 16: Politics in Nigeria: Why Can’t the Giant of Africa Awake?
Chapter 17: Concluding Your Studies: What You’ve Learned from a Data-Intensive, Interactive, Concept-Focused, and Inclusive Approach to Comparative Politics


Instructor Resource Site
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LMS cartridge included with this title for use in Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace by Desire2Learn (D2L), and Moodle

The LMS cartridge makes it easy to import this title’s instructor resources into your learning management system (LMS). These resources include:
  • Test banks
  • Editable chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides
  • Sample course syllabi
  • Lecture notes
  • All tables and figures from the textbook
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You can still access the online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site.

“What a genuinely inviting introductory textbook! Understanding Comparative Politics is written in a thoroughly student-friendly style that makes it a teacher-friendly book that we all can use to entice our students to grapple with their own political lives in this complex, dynamic world."

Cynthia Enloe
Author of "Twelve Feminist Lessons of War"