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Published in Association with YOUNG Editorial Group

eISSN: 17413222 | ISSN: 11033088 | Current volume: 33 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: 5 Times/Year

YOUNG is an international scholarly journal of youth research, which seeks to publish innovative and outstanding theoretical, textual, and empirical research on the life situation of young people. The journal has an interdisciplinary profile and welcomes original articles that integrate perspectives from different approaches and research traditions. YOUNG is a peer-reviewed, Gold Open Access journal.

YOUNG has earned its reputation as a journal at the forefront of the field of youth studies. Truly international, the journal is devoted to advancing thinking about contemporary youth and the issues that impact on young people’s lives. Its interdisciplinary nature ensures that it features articles that advance thinking about youth studies, challenge orthodoxies and open up understanding of diverse young lives. – Professor Johanna Wyn, FAcSS, ASSA, Director, Youth Research Centre, The University of Melbourne 

YOUNG is the main academic forum for truly interdisciplinary youth research, covering among other areas sociological, anthropological, educational and media studies perspectives on youth, youth cultures and questions related to young people more generally. An indispensable read for anyone interested in the research area.’ —Göran Bolin, Södertörn University, Sweden

‘Already its first volume back in 1993 empowered youth studies by making innovative interdisciplinary and transnational moves that remain vital to the contemporary research agenda.’ —Johan Fornäs, Södertörn University, Sweden

''Sub-titled the 'Nordic Journal of Youth Research', YOUNG does much more than give space to the very well-established expertise in youth research found in the Nordic countries. To me, YOUNG is one of only a very few journals that can be relied upon so consistently to publish new, critical research and theory about youth and young people that is important internationally.'— Prof. Robert MacDonald BA DPhil FAcSS, Professor of Sociology/ Deputy Director - Social Futures Institute School of Social Sciences and Law, Teesside University Middlesbrough UK.

Electronic Access:
YOUNG is available electronically on SAGE Journals Online at     

The journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Submit your manuscript today at

YOUNG is an international scholarly journal of youth research, which seeks to publish innovative and outstanding theoretical, textual, and empirical research on the life situation of young people. The journal has an interdisciplinary profile and welcomes original articles that integrate perspectives from different approaches and research traditions. YOUNG was established in 1993 by youth researchers in the Nordic region. Since then the journals’ scope has extended and welcomes contributions from all over the world.

The aim of YOUNG is to bring young people’s experiences to the centre of analysis with a view to strengthening and promoting multidisciplinary, contemporary and historical youth research with an international perspective. The journal is a forum for critical discussion and encourages submission of papers from all countries and contexts.

YOUNG welcomes manuscripts between 5000 and 8000 words and all submissions are subject to peer review through a double-blind reviewing process.

Coordinating Editor
Malin Fransberg Finnish Youth Research Society, Helsinki, Finland
Managing Editor
Antti Kivijärvi The Finnish Youth Research Society, Helsinki, Finland
Book Review Editor
Nadezhda Vasileva Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University, Finland
Kalle Berggren Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden
Shane Blackman Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Gemma Commane School of Media, Birmingham City University, UK
Lars Roar Frøyland Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
Ann-Karina Henriksen Copenhagen University College, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Christer Hyggen Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
Magnus Kilger Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden
Hannah King Department of Sociology, University of Durham, UK
Maria Klingenberg Uppsala University, Sweden
Yana Krupets Department of Sociology and Centre for Youth Studies, HSE University, St. Petersburg, Russia
International Advisory Board
Göran Bolin Södertörn University, Sweden
Les Back Goldsmiths College, United Kingdom
Vinod Chandra Lucknow University, India
Carmen Leccardi University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
Sunaina Maira University of California, Davis, USA
Anne Scott Sørensen University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Lucia Rabello de Castro Uni. Rio de Janeiro
Carles Feixa Pàmpols Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
Ann Phoenix University College London, UK
Karen Valentin University of Aarhus, Denmark
Johanna Wyn University of Melbourne, Australia
Siyka Kovacheva University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Pun Ngai The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Christopher T Conner University of Missouri, USA
Dorothy Tukahabwa University of Rwanda, Republic of Rwanda
Mengyao Jiang Qingdao University, China
Mounir Saidani Tunis Al-Manar University, Republic of Tunisia
Adrian Scribano University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Madgerie Jameson-Charles University of The West Indies, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Claire Paterson-Young University of Northampton, United Kingdom
Hernan Cuervo University of Melbourne, Australia
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  • Pro-Quest-RSP
  • ProQuest: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
  • Sociological Abstracts - ProQuest
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

    Institutional Backfile Purchase, E-access (Content through 1998)