Engle Angela Chan, RN, PhD The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Inspired by narrative as both a phenomenon and a research methodology, Angela has embarked on her own narrative journey from Canada to Hong Kong where she now serves as the Associate Head of the undergraduate division at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Nursing. Her research focuses on the person/relation-centered care underpinned by caring/human science paradigm that has evolved into an emphasis on effective and caring communication in healthcare and interprofessional collaborative practice. Her work on communication studies in education and practice has enabled her to work with overseas and local colleagues to improve nursing practice and formerly serve as the Associate Director of the International Research Centre for Communication in Healthcare. Angela’s teaching of the course caring concepts is informed by her research in caring science and communication studies. As nursing education is part of her interest, there is also her ongoing research about interprofessional education and collaborative practice in the community settings and its integration into the curriculum design. Angela has had the opportunity to develop projects, with international collaborators, on the concept of internationalization at home that has sparked new possibility for student exchange without leaving home as another option to broaden students’ intercultural learning.Institutional Page: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/web/en/home/index.html