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Wilson, Matthew

Matthew W. Wilson University of Kentucky, USA

Matthew W. Wilson is an assistant professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Kentucky and a visiting scholar at the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University. He co-founded and co-directs the New Mappings Collaboratory which studies and facilitates new engagements with geographic representation. His research in critical GIS draws upon STS and urban political geography to understand the development and proliferation of location-based technologies, with particular attention to the consumer electronic sector. He has previously taught at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and his current research project focuses on the founding of the Laboratory for Computer Graphics at Harvard in 1965, a catalyzing moment in the advent of the digital map. His work has been published in leading journals and collections including, Society & Space, Landscape & Urban Planning, Geoforum, The Professional Geographer, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Cartographica, Social & Cultural Geography, Gender, Place & Culture, and Environment & Planning A.