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Ronan P. Murphy Dublin City University, Ireland

Currently Lecturer in Integrative Cell and Molecular Physiology, School of Health & Human Performance, DCU. Dr. Murphy started his research career as a Clinical Research Scientist and Core Facilities Director (Molecular Genetics) in the Centre for Cardiovascular Science, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (1996-2000). He specialised in pharmacogenomics and stratification of clinical trials, and helped establish the first national DNA Bio-Bank. In 1998, Dr. Murphy was awarded a Health Research Board of Ireland Post-Doctoral Fellowship. In 2000 he moved to TSRI, La Jolla where he studied Megakaryocytopoiesis, Thrombopoiesis and Platelet function. He returned to DCU in 2004, focusing on Integrative Cell and Molecular Physiology and Epigenetics. The research also involves applied and translational research, focusing on the development of novel cellular and molecular diagnostics and prognostics, and organotypic model development for therapeutic evaluation at the clinical and preclinical stages for numerous human trials. His group also studies epigenetics with respect to chronic disease management. He was Vice Chair for the COST Action- EpiChemBio (CM1406- for Epigenetic Technologies and Applications (2015-2019). Current projects in this field include working with the European space agency (ESA) on the effect of space flight on cardiovascular epigenetics. He also directed the R&D team to successfully develop the next generation ‘Burn & Wound Dressing’ for the US military and is currently developing a novel therapy for chronic ulcers. He collaborates with industry to develop novel Disruptive Technologies to manage cognitive decline, dementia, inflammageing of the neurovascular compartment, cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses. He is currently Associate editor for Clinical Epigenetics and Frontiers in Physiology, an Editorial board member for Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and most recently Section Editor (Cardiovascular) for Epigenetics Insights.